I’m not one of those people that like to ask for info. But tonight me and some friends are taking a hop over to the dark side and are goin after some cats. None of use have had much expierence or luck fishin cats. But we will be trying some place near afton in my blue 12′ seaking. Any ideas or bait choices will be extremely appreciated
By the way is it just me or is the river way clearer than usual. Might have to start fishin it like mil lacs
A 12′ SeaKing with you and your friends at NIGHT on the St Croix!!!
. Are your friends little people? Put the BIG guy in the front and make him wear a light on his head – OK. You might want to wear some Personal Flotation Devices if you have more than 2 in a 12′ boat at night. If you are fishing near Afton be prepared for some big cruiser wakes that just may capsize your gathering in that 12′ boat.
If I was you I would stay in the locations with No Wake Zones with that boat and that load. You may find a channel cat bite in the Afton Narrows fishing right on the break into the deep water. You might have better luck fishing up near Hudson staying in the No Wake stretch from Beanies to the Swing Bridge. You can launch out of Beanies and it is a short run to the north into the No Wake Zone. I would recommend going upstream and fishing up near the Swing Bridge. That is kind of a community hole but it puts out a fairly consistent cat bite. Anchor just below the bridge on the MN shore and fish that first break into the channel. Fish a standard slip rig – you won’t need much weight to get your bait down (1/2 oz to 1 oz slip sinker will work fine).
Best bait would be cut sucker. Buy a couple dozen medium/large suckers and fillet them. Save the sucker heads and use them too. Just kind of crush the heads a little to get the juices flowing. You want to create as much scent as possible in the water. Toss them out and wait – just be patient. Every 15 to 20 minutes rebait to keep fresh bait in the water so it leaves a good scent trail. You can fish two rods each on the St Croix because it is border waters. Run a string of baits to cover a nice swath of water along the bottom.
Be careful in a fully loaded 12′ boat on the St Croix at night. Make sure you have Nav Lights on and can be seen. That stretch of water has a lot of big boat traffic and a lot of them are drinking – if you know what I mean. Don’t count on them seeing you. That clear water may be helpful when they are looking for your body.