Are the catfish bitting on the St. Croix?

  • bennyj
    sunrise mn
    Posts: 542

    I am heading out for some flatheads and walleyes Starting tonight. Threw the weekend.

    Hopefully with some luck I can land a few.

    Steve- Whats the report on catfish activity? I know its only been a couple of days since your last report but have you picked up a few more of those flatheads?

    Big hunter –
    Do you have any of your stuff ready? YET!

    TC river fan – When are you gonna be able to go? Sell the horses and send the boy to baseball camp for a weekend. Tell the wiffy that your going to do research for the night because the DNR asked you to…. I don’t know its worth a shot.

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    Benny – Flatheads are jumping in the boat. They are hitting on chocolate covered chicken livers. Good reports of daytime flathead action just outside the No Wake Zone south of the 94 Bridge near Beanie’s. Action seems to peak when the cruiser wakes are the highest right around noon. Heard a report of a 48″ flathead caught at 3 pm – he was using the “Whatever” tactic. You kind of fish like a walleye guy but catch flatheads. Sounds like that is what you guys plan on doing so it should work for you to.

    Go Gettem, boys. Good Luck and Good fishing.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    chocolate covered chicken livers.

    Now where does a person get them? Godiva Chocolates??

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Wow. The once great Croix forum has turned into nothing more than another catfish forum…

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 370

    sounds like a fun time to be out on the river and our traditional weekend of ‘catching’ is on! i hope the weather cooperates better than last year… that mini tornado was not fun. it ALMOST put out our campfire!

    best of luck to everyone going out this weekend. i hope you catch almost as many as i do!

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 370

    ok fine zuki, where should i go for eyes then?!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    …like he would know. I’ve never seen a photo posted with Mike and a walleye. I’m starting to think he’s an arm chair fisherman.

    Cat Fisherman~ We’re taking over the day!

    sunrise mn
    Posts: 542

    I don’t have Godiva………. But I think I might be able to find some Ghirardelli chocolate chicken liver!

    Steve, I don’t fish down in that mess I don’t even know how you would catch a cat. Its really is amazing that you do! I fish were you are afraid to flow down. If you ever wanna go let me know. I don’t own that nice of a tooner I wouldn’t wanna go down their either.

    Thanks for the tip 3 PM humm seems alittle fishy.

    So much for honesty on the St. Croix Cat forum. I wasn’t looking for gps spot, just if you have been out and caught something. Chocolate chicken liver.

    Chicken liver is what I use for walleye so look like I am gonna have to load up on that stuff.

    Good luck

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001


    ok fine zuki, where should i go for eyes then?!

    possibly the cat forum? No, I’m sure that’s nothing but cat talk. Brian-you should see all the mental pictures of walleys I have in my head!

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    Hey Benny – PM sent. A few recommendations based on what I’ve been seeing lately – hope it helps. I’ll be looking for you over the weekend. I get a finder’s fee if you are successful. Hold on to your hat in the wind tonight.


    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906


    Wow. The once great Croix forum has turned into nothing more than another catfish forum…

    That is a great idea. Has a nice ring to it. The St Croix Catfish Forum. You have to admit that it adds some class to the types of fish normally talked about. You know – those other bait sized type fish. We could put a picture of a big beautiful flathead on the forum that automatically comes up with every post.

    I like your idea, Suzuki. We will be sure you get all the credit for it. Thanks.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001



    Wow. The once great Croix forum has turned into nothing more than another catfish forum…

    That is a great idea. Has a nice ring to it. The St Croix Catfish Forum. You have to admit that it adds some class to the types of fish normally talked about. You know – those other bait sized type fish. We could put a picture of a big beautiful flathead on the forum that automatically comes up with every post.

    I like your idea, Suzuki. We will be sure you get all the credit for it. Thanks.


    Thanks Steve. How wonderful. There goes the neighborhood.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    You have to admit that it adds some class to the types of fish normally talked about. You know – those other bait sized type fish.

    Steve DeMars for President!!

    Wyoming, MN
    Posts: 16

    The season ended last Tuesday and the County Fair ended yesterday! My summer officially begins…

    Even though I have never fished for Catfish and read the posts on the St. Croix almost daily, I truly enjoy and look forward to Steve’s Posts. I will even admit to checking out some of his tips on the cat and Sturgeon site. I welcome anyone’s knowledgeable posts and look foreword to the day that Suzuki makes one!


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