Franconia to Osceola depth

  • haywardbound
    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    Is that stretch of river ok for water depths at normal river levels? I’m running an 18′ boat, and have not been very south of Franconia.

    If I remember right, Osceola is fairly deep?


    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500

    There are quite a few shallow spots between those 2 landings that you may want a push pole. I keep one in my boat all the time.

    Posts: 5

    well that stretch is averaging around 6 feet as long as you stay in the channel and dodge the sand bars and remember to stick to the outside of the corners and you’ll be ok

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    Normal river levels? Guess it depends on what time of year it is. Spring high water you shouldnt have a problem. Summer low water plan on getting out a few times until you learn where the channel is. Some sections this may only be a foot or 2 deep. Low water late summer there are a lot of areas I cant get my 17′ navigator threw unless I wanted to plow a lot of sand. My 16′ jon boat works well then.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107


    Normal river levels?

    Isn’t it normal now? Thanks for the posts, I think I’ll check it out this week.

    Oh, this area is all no wake right?

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    I would say it is low rite now for this time of year. Yes it is no wake. Looks like Ill be heading that way later this week with the kids for a little swimming and fishing. Good luck over there.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    Didn’t make it last week, but I hope this week.

    Anyone know if overnight parking is allowed at Osceola or Franconia?


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    I believe over night parking is allowed at both landings. Have also heard there are some really shallow areas just south of Franconia this year. Sounds like more than a few boats haven’t been able to get past them.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    Launched out of Franconia yesterday afternoon. Yep. It is shallow. Usually dont see it this low until late july or August. Still didnt have any problems getting the boat in or out. Just plan on wading in the water to do this and dont be shy about getting your vehicle in the water either. My front tires where a good 10 to 15′ into the water before the boat came off the trailer.

    We didnt travel to far on the water. Went up to Rock island and down to the mouth of the trout stream. Came across a few small spots of less than 2′ of water. We did see a few boats make it down to Eagles nest camp ground. Looks like you need to stay close to the Wisc shore to get there and trim way up. If you can get past Eagles nest you are good to go until you hit the shallow flats above Osceola. Plenty of good fishing in that stretch.

    Planning on heading over early sunday morning to check out the fishing.

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