
  • waleyangler
    Posts: 103

    how has the bite been lately on the croix for eyes and crappies or smallies? i havent been down there all year and might go out tommorow.what kinds of baits have beeen working.most likely will be up around stillwater/bayport area but will make the run down south if they are going better down there. thanks for any info.will post pictures,results,and techniques that worked if i make it out..


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    Heading out tonight. Will report on success.

    Posts: 103

    thanks…appriciate it very much.might even chase a ski or 2 because i havent in a couple years. last time i did we were around afton and had 2 mid to upper 40 inch fish blow up on our baits.

    Bayport/St. Croix/Otsego/Grand Rapids
    Posts: 450

    Gills now scattered, shallow water crappies have headed out and smallies moving to their summer haints (try fatheads for bass and papermouth) Am aiming to identify 26 inch (golden sucker?) that took a piece of crawler on a small jig this afternoon in shallow water.
    If it’s a state record, am looking for volunteers to claim it for me. If it turns out to be just another buffalo, free steaks next week at Dennie the Jailguard G.’s place.
    Stand by for photo of that big brown St. Croix trout we released two weeks ago–still waiting for my cell phone camera to get back from warranty work–gulp.

    ATTN: River Rats. Be on lookout for a white-haired Englishinman and his California brother-in-law rowing (yes)homemade rubber raft from Stillwater to Memphis.
    Will post some pix of them admiring my suckerfish trophy today. They are targeting 2mph (with wind allowance) and ten hopurs per day in the off-peak sunburn times. Ought to be in Prescott Thursday night. Google on Bigriverraft for details.

    “Loaned” them an old rusty jerk jig, beetle spin, rattlin rap and wallie diver as they are going to fish all 1,000 miles.(were pretty excited about that sucker, no surprise, being one’s from Europe and the other from Crazyfornia) Stillwater Gazette used my boat taxi for a feature.
    They are equipped with solar panel, sail and sunshade.

    Please report TIME and LOCATION of sightings here, with river milepost numbers if possible. Can’t missem–looks like high tech version of Lewis and Clark flatboat with sweep oars and rudder. The younger guy says he is a Hollywood Grip and worked on all three Spiderman movies and 30 Rock. His steersman is retired commercial artist…hope they post some scenery. So much for this week’s Shipping News.
    -Paddle to the See

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    Fished for a couple hours. Nothng pulling spinners with worms or leeches. Trolling cranks put a couple fish in the boat for us including a nice 19″ eye. Had to pull the plug early after a phone call from home. My dog found the rabbit nest in our fenced in yard and it was a blood bath.
    Multiple services to be held today at 1:00 R.I.P.

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039


    Fished for a couple hours. Nothng pulling spinners with worms or leeches. Trolling cranks put a couple fish in the boat for us including a nice 19″ eye. Had to pull the plug early after a phone call from home. My dog found the rabbit nest in our fenced in yard and it was a blood bath.
    Multiple services to be held today at 1:00 R.I.P.

    Awwwwwwww…. the poor little bunnies.

    Nice job on the 19″ eye.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    A Goose that eats Bunnies huh?? Cool!! I’ll bet your garden will be the best in years!

    All hail Goose!

    Bayport/St. Croix/Otsego/Grand Rapids
    Posts: 450

    The rafters are in Lake Pepin today and making good time..see or the coverage in which shows them photoing my 27.7 in. spawned out river redhorse (state record 28.34 and about 5 lbs heavier)
    Gave the raft crew some extra river tackle so they can troll the next 1,000 miles to Memphis…rollin down the highway to the cradle of the Civil War, as Paul Simon put it. Pls. report sightings here or on river forums.
    Red Wing, Rochester and Winona papers should have more coverage of the rafters this weekend. Am wondering if any naturalists out there would like to take over ownership of a great big potential bundle of bony steaks in Denny G.’s freezer. Our fish ID book says these critters are good sport on the kind of lite sunfish tackle I was using but
    also called them lacking in “recreational value.” Heck, back on the Cannon River, we used to fish smaller versions of these suckers on fu-flus for World Series time walleye bait.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    So what is new on the fishing scene up there???
    will call soon.

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020


    I saw the raft two weeks ago in Bayport, Pepin now…they have long way to get to Memphis.


    Bayport/St. Croix/Otsego/Grand Rapids
    Posts: 450

    Saturday the rafters was at “Debuque” (sic). They had shore lunch this week on a pickerell they caught on on old red jerk bait I gave them that had been dredged up 20 years ago on my visit March trip to Red Wing. Slounds like they are meeting a lot of ladies pretty much every place they stop.
    How ’bout ya Iowa, anyone seen these guys? Zannel/
    Bayport Kingfalconcam update: Brent and Belinda’s three chicks are now bigger than their parents and looks like they could fledge this week. The Ospreys down on the coal unloading dock are still sheltering their two chicks. Check out today’s Pioneer Press to find out what the eagles are up to. Have been watching an interesting shoreline phenomenon in Andersen bay. Every shallowater carp I see is accompanied by a tiny smallmouth bass.

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