Another Beautiful St Croix Flathead

  • steve-demars
    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    I picked up a beautiful 46# flathead on the 22nd of May and it totally slimed my favorite yellow catfishing sweatshirt. My wife washed it all up and had it looking new again. I went out tonight and just slimed it all up again. When she wakes up in the morning and sees that sweatshirt in the wash she may just throw it away this time.

    The St Croix is in perfect shape right now for catfishing. Water is stable and almost at normal summer time pool elevation. Water temp tonight was 66 degrees. There is a light to moderate current in the main channel and the water is clear. Lots of baitfish showing up and the cat bite for channels and flats is going good.

    I’ve been catching flatheads on bullheads and the bite has been very aggressive with long clicker screaming runs. I picked up both of tonights fish early with a small fish at 1930 and the big fish at 2040. There was very little boat traffic tonight which was a surprise as there were tons of big boats and cruisers out last week and over the weekend.

    This fish felt very heavy so I weighed him on my digital scale but he only came up as 40 lbs. I was expecting him to be in the high 40’s close to 50 lbs because he felt so heavy and hard to lift. Boy did he have some bad breath issues. Smelled like he had been eating some pretty ripe sheepshead lately.

    I’m out again tomorrow night. You have to chase this pre-spawn bite while it lasts because as soon as they start spawning they become hard to find again. This is the earliest I have ever found big fish and I’m after them now.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Nice Steve! you’re on Fire.

    Anybody helping you net these beast? I’m thinking Pug needs to visit you real soon!


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    No way! There isn’t that many big fish in the Croix!!

    Another nice fish and report!!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Very nice cat.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Nice Steve! you’re on Fire.
    Anybody helping you net these beast? I’m thinking Pug needs to visit you real soon!


    The girfriend has recovered from surgery, it is time. PM sent.

    Nice fish!

    White Bear Twp
    Posts: 997

    Your on a roll. Keep it up.

    Croix Valley
    Posts: 689

    Steve – Once again……NICE FLATHEAD! You definitely deserve it, glad to see 2009 treating you well

    Posts: 7

    Nice Fish. Now a dumb question. I see you guys putting your hands in their mouths so I assume you still have all your fingers? As a kid I would never have put my fingers in a bulleheads mouth. Or a channel cat. Only flathead I ever caught was 7″ but I hope to improve on that this year.

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906


    I see you guys putting your hands in their mouths so I assume you still have all your fingers? As a kid I would never have put my fingers in a bulleheads mouth. Or a channel cat. Only flathead I ever caught was 7″ but I hope to improve on that this year.

    Your are right – it is best to keep your fingers away from a channel cats mouth. Channels typically crush their prey and they will do that to your hand or fingers if you get them near their mouth. You won’t have too much of a problem with a flathead. You can reach right in their mouth and grab them by the lower jaw and lift them or move them. They have what I call a teeth pad along their jaw line that is a raspy, sandpaper kind of pad. That tooth pad will give you what we call “Flathead Rash” along your knuckes from handling them that way.

    You will get a bunch of crap from some of the flathead guys if you use a glove to handle a flathead. I’m about ready to just live with the crap and buy a glove for my right hand. I’ve got an irritating case of flathead rash right now and I’m wishing I had used a glove.

    There is an old John Wayne quote that goes: “Life is tough, but it is even tougher when you are stupid.” I’m done being stupid – I’m getting myself a good flathead glove and it’s going in my cat box.

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