Falsons hatching at King Plant; Ice Out ends in MN

  • pdl
    Bayport/St. Croix/Otsego/Grand Rapids
    Posts: 450

    Belinda the peregrine falcon at the Allen S. King plant at Bayport has hatched at least two of her five eggs after more than a month of incubation.
    You can Google King falconcam to view for yourself as she hatches one chick Monday afternoon and another around 9:55
    this morning (Tuesday) The proud pappa shows up briefly around 12:p.m. (headed for Meisters???)

    Ospreycam from the same chimney shows incubation continuing
    and remains an excellant view of river conditions on a daily basis. Please report any more river otter sightings–one was at the north end of Andersen Bay about a month ago.

    Coast Guard bouy tender paid a visit over the weekend and was seen heading back downriver at the Bayport Park Sunday evening.

    Lots of good birdcams, including great looncams and DNR ice out map on web this spring. Google MODIS-today for comprehensive polar satellite views of winter retreating across MN lakes (huge cracks and wind motion) since 4/22,
    including the last state lake to go out, Greenwood, in tip of Arrowhead Saturday, two days ahead of average. (Mille Lacs was right on average, 4/24 and yeilded usual dramatic pile-ups and bent boat lifts from shore level at ice out Mille Lacs Messenger).
    Have a great season, everyone, a navigate safely.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5757


    “Quando omni flunkus moritati”

    I love it…Keep your stick on the ice!

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