
  • waleyangler
    Posts: 103

    who all is heading down to the croix tommorow??? will de hitting p3 and the croix at about 4 in the morning.. will be out with my dad in a white black and red ranger angler with a 115 stop and say hi if u want and can share info on whats working…


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 56

    I’ll be out there with the misses. Hewescraft with a 125 Merc.

    Good luck.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    I’ll be out there with my fishing partner in his silver/black Alumnacraft Navigator 165CS! St Croix and Pool 3 launching around 4am

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13408

    I will be heading out of Osceola some time in the morning. Front seat is open if anyone wants to jump in.

    Posts: 103

    wawde74, where are you guys launching out of. we will either wait till 6 to launch at the bluffs or go to the hastings ramp at 4

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    too late now I suppose, but we are leaving in 10minutes and launching out of Prescott!

    st. marys pt. MN
    Posts: 117

    Myself and my son will be out in the afternoon, anywhere from the 94 bridge to prescott. be safe and good luck. remember to release those 18+ eyes and saugers that have not spawned yet if possible.

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