Report Nov 3

  • Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    Fall of 2008 has blessed us outdoors enthusiasts with a gift of an incredible Indian summer, one with breezes that fools you just enough that summer doesn’t have to end. With the great weather and the great bite, fishing on the St. Croix River has been a treat. Since October 14th my guide service has brought in limits on each trip. Most of the fish biting have been that perfect eating sized 17 to 18 inch walleye, though as of the last couple trips many of the bites have come from shorter sub legal walleye. These fish are always a benchmark that the fishery is producing good numbers of healthy walleye for the future. Saugers have also been biting very well and these fish are nice 2-pound fish. Saugers count against your walleye limit and must be added to the total of the six kept fish, so whether it is walleye or sauger, six is the limit per person. Saugers do not have a minimum size limit or slot, but walleyes do have a minimum size limit of 15 inches, no slot, just a minimum. Remember keeping fish is an act that should be taken seriously as to not hurt the fishery. This is why we voluntarily release walleyes over 20” and strongly recommend other anglers to do the same. Selective harvest is THE name of the game.

    Walleyes have been caught numerous ways by local anglers and my boat. Presentations I know of that are catching fish are vertical jigging 3/8 th ounce fireball jigs and fathead minnows, trolling a wolf river rig (three way set up) using Rapala original minnow lures and husky jerks, color patterns have been hard to pattern but orange, firetiger, blue, and black/white are producing. Lindy rigging with large minnows and nightcrawlers (yes nightcrawlers, I reported on this after the PWT tourny) are also producing. Early morning anglers are getting fish in 6 to 16 feet of water, I recommend staying in 20 to 30 feet in the day. Some areas with more flow are producing in the teens for depth in midday.

    Our gorgeous weather has kept the water temperature high, as compared to where the water temperature would be on the calendar date of years past. I suspect that the bite will remain strong on the St. Croix for weeks to come. Keep Catchin’

    St. Croix River elevation in Stillwater Minnesota 675.58, water 50 degrees and clear for the river.

    Good luck!

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    The bite is still on! I got away today on a short trip after I voted, and have a pile of fillets in the fridge looking to be released into the hot grease. It’s nice to keep some for yourself for a change.

    On a side note, I got my whole limit today away from a single boat. Yes, community spots hold fish, and I fish them too, but if you can fish unpressured fish, you’ll do better 9 times out of ten. Good luck. Turk

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