I realize this is a couple of days old, but my son and I were down at the confluence at Prescott on 10/24 from 2-5:30 PM. The weather was OK, so I was surprised to see only about 6 boats there, which spoke volumes about the bite. Last year at this time there were many boats and many fish. We saw very few pods of shad on the graph, and saw one pod of fish (guessing saugers) and worked it with jigs and rigs with no bites. I saw a few fish on for other people, but all in all, very SLOW. I worked a few spots on the MN shoreline by the Bluffs and the Kinni, saw a few pods of shad, but no walleye or sauger. we caught 2 small sunnies on a rap/3-way and a spinner/minnow, and 2 tiny white bass. Water was 52 on the Miss and 57 on the Croix.

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