8/3/08 St.Croix

  • Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    It was slow going this morning. Havent been out in about 10 days ( dog days are too hot for me ) Got on the water around 7am and fished till noon. Only got three sauger on spinner harness with a crawler. Colors they liked were the bronze blade with orange beads and orange hook and green blade with green beads. Fish came from 19-32 FOW. they surely do not have the feed bags on today. Caught the fewest amount of smallmouths I have (not intentionally fishing for the pests) all summer long. The fish are not agressive at all when they bite and with out a crawler harness or a stinger hook the bites were nearly non-detectable. I missed at least 8-10 fish becuase of the soft bites or messing with one rod while the other is bent over I dont like fishing with crawlers because the sheepshead like ’em way too much as they never quit biting I imagine it will be three more weeks before the walleye/sauger bite starts to lite up

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