Flathead Catfish Weight Conversion Chart

  • steve-demars
    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    For those of you that are trying to figure out how much that big flathead you’ve caught weighs this Flathead Catfish Weight Conversion chart is pretty accurate.

    Mark this as a Favorite post or print out the actual Weight Conversion Chart and keep it in the boat. I use it all the time – get a quick length and girth measurement and get the fish back in the water. It keeps me from beating up a fish trying to hang him on a scale. I’ve got an accurate digital scale but I only use it on the really big fish.

    This is a handy reference for gauging a flathead’s weight. Special thanks to dtro for making this initial post and the chart. Thanks, Darren.

    Flathead Weight Conversion Chart

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