5/12/08 Croix catch

  • Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Got on the water around 7am this morning the wind was slighty blowing but nothing like it did after 9am. The NO WAKE BAN has been lifted and the signs at the launch near my house are gone. Started out in 20-25 FOW with no luck except a couple of sheepie’s. Moved into 15 FOW and BAM I hooked into the nice 21 incher pictured below. from 8-18 FOW we managed to get two 16 inchers and a 15 (on the stringer) all were caught on a jig and minnow and berkely alive minnows I think they are called. I was also using a BfishN 3/8oz jig with any color ringworm and caught 12+ smallmouths and 6+ white bass so I had to hang it up and stick with the jig and minnow which produced just fine. Another great day to be on the water despite the wind

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