River Rat Tournament!

  • Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    Beanie’s 10th Annual River Rat Tournament – the St. Croix Rivers largest walleye tournament is being held on the 27th of September at Beanies in Lakeland, Minnesota. The tournament starts at 7:00 am and weigh in is at 3:00. Most years over 110 local St. Croix Valley and St. Paul area anglers get their competitive fish juices flowing and enter this fun river tournament. This “walleye” contest is really for three categories, the largest stringer of walleye and sauger, largest walleye, or largest “ugly” fish. Most years twelve to fourteen pounds will put a team in contention for largest stringer, largest walleye can be a trophy sized lunker or some years a four pounder wins. For the ugly fish a legal sized sturgeon, legal size is over 50″ or a 30 pound flathead places well. The tournament is a great time with tons of door prizes, and this event is organized to generate funds for the St. Croix Valley Youth Service Bureau. Entry fee is usually 20 dollars, and a winner of any of the three categories can expect a couple hundred dollars or so in winnings. I’ll be there hoping for some BIG fish, say hello if you see me, and good luck to all entries. Keep catchin’

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 397

    I’ll be there this year, for the first time. The only thing, that really bothers me about this tournement is that it’s always held on duck opener. If it was held a week earlier don’t you fell that many more people would attend? Nothing beats the format though, opens the door for anyone to have a chance to win. See ya there. And best of luck to all that attend.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Hey Turk, Didn’t you win this a few times?
    Give us your stats.
    Last time I fished it Eddy Philpot won it so it’s been a few years. I’m trying to get my schedule fixed up so I can go this year. Hope to see you there.


    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    seems to me Turk has won it as many years as Ive been on this board!….. so hes pretty tough to beat!…..

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    Rivereyes you sure have changed since I saw you last winter on the Mississippi when your livewell was full o’ fish! From your most recent photo I must say you’ve changed for the worst! ha. – Ferny are you selling something at Brothers Bait? I saw some outdoor products for sale there with the name Ferny tackle?? Pretty cool. Mr. Fern lets just say I’ve been very lucky and I really enjoy good luck when fishing…
    Has cool I’ll see you there, Mr. Mike Thomas and Mr. Tuckner were in the contest last year and it was nice to talk to those guys face to face.
    It’s hard to tell what the walleye bite at the end of the month will be like when the RVRRAT is, but from what I’m seeing now the minnow scene may continue to really produce the fish (3 way spinners mainly)? But that’s fishing.

    Keep catchin’

    Minnesota, Ramsey, St.Paul
    Posts: 24

    Sounds like fun! How do you enter?

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    yep Turk.. guess I look different now!… thats what happen if you make Mr ECNOOK mad!.. well.. he dont really get mad… nope… not him…. he gets even!..

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Nice hat RiverEyes !!

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    thanks for the “gift”!… how did you know it was my birthday?? (cuz its not!! )

    but hey everyone.. dont I look just like my little brother ECNOOK? uncanny resemblance huh??

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Hey Turk, I am selling Ultra Violet lights for glowing your lures at Brothers Bait. They work awesome! The low wavelength light REALLY glows the new jigs. In fact we got some sample glow powder from the manuf. and it glowed over 30 minutes by itself. It doesn’t seem to glow on a jig that long since it’s diluted. We did make up a few super duper glow jigs…man what a difference! I have a couple more ideas for this winters ice fishing I am working on now.
    Hope to see you out there for the Rat


    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020


    That’s great! I don’t know much about this powder. So it can be mixed with paint to then be used on jig heads.. What else is in the Ferny Tackle line? Do you sell the lights and glo powder?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Good luck to all you guys! I will be busy with my kids that weekend. Load up on Ringies, Doos, and even a few K-Tails. Ringies and Doos have been putting quite a few fish in boats up that way lately. Dubuque rigging with a Ringie, and followed by a minnow has been doing better than three ways. You get more bang for your buck! Tell them at BEanies they need to load up on the plastics! He seemed to think they were not worth stocking up on.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Hey Turk, So far it’s just UV lights. I have a couple other things that are not on the market yet. I am working on my web-site fernytech.com look for it around October. The powder is very expensive, I don’t know if the average fisherman would buy it…but then again we’ll buy anything!



    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921


    all you have to do is say “this product will produce fish”, everyone and thier brother that fishes will by it. I hope that it works our for you, but i am looking for some really good looking white glow jigs. cant find them anymore. I got some from fleet farm about 3 years ago, now i have used them all up. you going to be carring white ones.


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