The St Croix is at it’s summertime levels (675.4′) and the water temp is 78-80 degrees and the catfish seem to have finished up with their spawning and are hungry. Outdoors4Life has a great post showing some good channel cat action. StCroixer had a good night drifting for channels on Monday and hopefully he will make a report with some pictures.
It looks like the St Croix summertime catfish season is set to go.
I spent Tuesday and Wednesday evening chasing flatheads and had good success both nights. Tuesday I missed a nice fish at 10:41 after a heated 5 minute struggle. At 11:15 I caught a 32″ flathead that went about 15 pounds. I was pumped by finally getting into some flathead action so I stayed out until 1:30am but didn’t have any other runs for the night. It was a fun night even though the Twins lost a tough game to Detroit 1-0.
Wednesday night I headed out again and tried out a new spot that I have been wanting to fish. The Twins game was driving me nuts and I was yelling at the radio in the bottom of the ninth inning when my clicker went into a screaming run. I hooked into a nice fish and missed the end of the game (they lost so I didn’t miss much). I boated a nice 39″ flathead about 26 pounds. All the flatheads were caught on bullheads.
It looks like the St Croix flathead and channel cats are ready for some action. Let the games begin.
Here is a picture of the Tuesday night flathead.