Thursday nights I always go out after I get done with work but I decided yesterday I neede to get out. After about 3 hours out the thunder and lightning started to make me think twice about going out so I called my wife and she checked out the weather and said I was ok to stay out. I spent a couple hours scouting out where I wanted to fish that evening and made my decision and stuck to it. At 9:10 my rod doubled over and after a good fight up came my personal best channel cat 29 inches 8 pounds 12 oz. I was by myself so the pics were tough. The kitty decided to hang onto me while I was releasing her as my payback. I almost went home because I figured that that was as good as I was going to get. Then my rod bent and then went slack I started to reel in with no tension until it took off. I knew it was smaller but still a good time. 4 pounds 11 oz To me a good fish!
July 19, 2007 at 11:52 am