pike on the lower St.Croix?

  • sippiriverrat
    Andover MN.
    Posts: 390

    I’m wondering if there are any good places on the lower river lets say from Hudson to Prescott were you can get into some pike, the only area I have caught them before is up in the Oseola area.

    Posts: 7

    when me and my dad went fishing i caught a 8pound pike and a lot of 4-6 pound pike

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18967

    I know of a couple.

    Andover MN.
    Posts: 390

    I’m looking for Pike action and Suzuki has boat issues, maybe we could pool our resources and catch some fish

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18967

    I’m sworn to secrecy.

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