big rough fish

  • shorefisherman
    Prescott, WI
    Posts: 22

    about a month ago my dad was out on the croix about 2 miles upstream of prescott and he caught a 31 in. dogfish!!!!!!! I new that was a big dogfish so i looked up the state record the other day and it is 31.6 in, now my dads wasnt officially measured or anything but still, thats close to a state record.

    A couple days later we caught a 10 lb sheephead. it was the ugliest thing ever. it was prolly as wide as it was long, 24 in.

    anybody else catching some big rough fish anywhere?

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 412

    They were not so big but we caught tons of sheepheads near the Kinni on Sunday.

    Joe Mama
    Posts: 15

    My brother-in-law caught this beauty last spring. It wouldn’t come up off the bottom. He, of course, thought it was 10#+ Walter. I thought it was a cat. We were both wrong. Went about 15#. UGLY. I now call him the Little Drummer Boy. Oh, caught it on WI side of Bayport.

    Prescott, WI
    Posts: 22

    thats a dandy, thanks for the pic

    i fish the mississippi a lot and i dont think ive ever caught a sheephead over 4 lbs on there, but i’ve seen/caught at least 5 around 5lbs on the croix

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