Too much info?

  • kraigklund
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 37

    What do you all think about providing detailed fishing information to strangers over message boards such as this?

    Personally, I get a lot of enjoyment and take some pride in being able to figure out the bite myself. I will often provide friends with good information (unless a tournament is right around the corner) about where and how fish are biting. But I really wonder why people would provide detailed information including specific spots (not just general area), depth and extremely specific presentation methods. I check out Turk’s web site all the time and I think he does a great job describing the bite without getting too specific.

    I like to tell people “I will SHOW you where the fish are, but I won’t TELL you”. I do have exceptions to this rule. Such as when a buddy of mine, who doesn’t get out much and have the time to figure out the bite in a single afternoon, is planning on getting out – then I will give him the scoop, no problem.

    What do you all think?


    Posts: 3

    I agree with the Honorable Earl of Eye. I have many co-workers who ask where to fish the river. Most of them are at least fair fisherman and a push in the general direction is usually all they need. Most of the fun of doing anything is the satisfaction of being self-supporting and solving the riddle yourself. I will admit however when my boss asked me how to fish the Croix I told him for the best walleye action fish 4th of July weekend near the drawbridge. Specifically casting near all the parked yachts on beer can island. I think this may have affected my raise this year however. It was worth it though. Keep on chunkin’.

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 7

    I think that sharing general information builds a sense of comraderie and shared interest in fishing. My grandfather, who took me to Canada for many years as a kid, was a true walleye “god.” He could catch eyes when nobody else could. He was always willing to share his knowledge and excitement for fishing with anybody who asked. In fact, he would often ask me to show his fishing spots to folks he had only just met in the campground! As a result, he has made literally hundreds of life-long friends from Canada. I guess I’ve carried on his “tradition.” Sharing our successes (and failures!) with each other is fun and educational. I don’t believe that letting someone know what color, depth, speed, presentation, etc. worked on a particular occasion is giving away the store….the info is simply filed away to try at some future date when our favorite technique isn’t producing! I think everyone benefits from shared knowledge.

    Peace and Tight Lines,

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    I think sharing info such as technique, depth, bait and presentation is what this site is all about. Just not exact location.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    Everyone has the right of free speech but be aware of the ramifications. If you find a specific spot/presentation that put fish in the boat – it’s your right to share that information with whomever you want. If you decide to post it here – you should expect your spot/presentation to get pounded by many of the folks who read the post. Thus, the next time you decide to go back – expect company and a smaller catch.

    I personally think folks provide specific spot/presentation based on emotion. Someone goes out and gets good fish and is eager to “be the man” and share the excitement – then spill all the info on a post.

    As for myself – I don’t share specific info – nothing good comes out of it.


    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    I feel that it doesnt hurt to point people into the right direction..heck if it wasnt for this site I wouldnt know crap about the Mississippi and fishing it for the marble eyes. Its a whole different game than lake fishing I learn something new here everyday on this amazing learning site. Ya im still somewhat of a new guy just 4 years into river fishing but I have gone from not catching a fish or anything on the river to having 20 plus fish days happening and not be suprised. I feel that when someone asks me about a presentation or depth or anything I am more than happy to give it out to anyone. I wish these people though that ask for some of these spots would keep in touch and post how they did as well and general areas where they caught there fish. Telling people the spot to fish is one thing but getting there, finding that spot, and actually being able to catch these fish is another. Its a learing game out there maybe somedy these people will become masters of the waters and teach us a thing or two as well. DOn’t be affraid to take a newby under your wing and push them into the rigth direction.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    geeee… why did the subject come up in the Croix forum??
    anglers on the croix tend to be the most secretive bunch Ive ever run across!! and Im not really sure why….. Im not trying to point any fingers or stomp on any toes… I think everyone has a right to do and say what they please!! I just dont really understand why there is such a secret atmosphere in place on the Croix….. I remember when I started fishing the Croix…. asking for information at Styles bait shop was always fun and worth while…. Question…. Where are they biting? Answer… Everywhere…. Question… what are they biting on? Answer Everything…… then I try to narrow that down… Question… what depth are they catching them? Answer.. Every depth!!… ummmm starting to sweat now… Question… What color are they biting on? Answer.. All colors…. ok, ok…. I think I see the deal… !.. just buy our bait and hit the road….. well.. I did not buy bait.. I just hit the road… anyplace that wouldnt give me the time of day Im not going to give my money to either… all I was looking for was some community holes… every place has them… so does the Croix.. they could have said fish the Hudson Channel… the Kinney… Prescott…. the flats above stillwater…. look for points… current breaks… rocks… sand….. something!! would it hurt to say they have been catching them most often in 12-18 feet?? in the mornings?? with chartrues being a good color?? ahhh for the good old days…. *sheese*… you can have them!!!… I prefer the new age… I have tons of fishing buddies… and would love to have even more!… all thanks to this board…. so thanks to everyone involved… and if you see me out there dont just wave… come over and talk a bit… Ill tell whats working or not working for me right then and there…..

    *whew*… back to our normally scheduled reply!!!
    I guess everyone has their own opinion of what specific information is…. but I can tell you that I dont think Ive ever seen ANYONE give up spot on the spot information… and without that there are times you can spend the day fishing the general area and only catch a few straglers!! other times the bite is on and the general area is good enough.. fishing almost ALWAYS is a sport where location will seperate the good from the bad…. and thats where boat control comes in… because the spots are usually so small that putting your presentation right in the RIGHT spots is the difference between good days and bad days…. for sure where the Croix is involved Ive seen internet information change the number of boats fishing a spot… but take a look at the croix.. how many places are there to fish there?
    guess what.. some of the best things that ever happened to me fishing wise was because pressure on my go to spots forced me to explore…. and learn…
    the main thing I love about this site is the fact we share information… it provides a comraderie and a family type of closeness that enhances my fishing experience… there was a time when I knew no one on the water….. now I have many friends out there… and I can tell you which I prefer……
    I hope we all keep on sharing… it helps us grow as anglers and as people…..
    funny how some people dont act on information even when they SEE it… on the Croix Ive spent days pounding fish while others looked on and did not try and duplicate my tactics or my location…. in the end anglers do what they are comfortable doing… with many of them embracing new techniques is a very slow process…. meanwhile those of us who are on the ball and on this board are way ahead of the pack…… it seems in fishing it often pays to be on the cutting edge…..

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    All I have to add is, “It’s better to give than to receive”. If nothing good came from giving info, it’s my perception the microscope didn’t look deep enough.

    Posts: 262

    I have come to find what you put into things is what you get out of things.Helping ,learning ,teaching ,it is all therefor all of us.I make more friends talking fishin than any outher way.If no one were to say any thing we would all be useing cane poles.F.T.R has made me a better hook,no one is born knowing how to fish.Helping outhers will help you in the long run.

    Posts: 124

    I agree with River eyes, If we want more flks to practice selective harvest and catch and release, than the first thing we need to do is show folks how to catch. The person who goes fishing believing that catching a fish is an act of god or the wildest stroke of luck, wll be very reluctant to let anything go. As far as secret spots go, if more than one person knows about it, than it is no longer a secret.As the population increases the secret spots will vanish because of the shear number of folks fishing. The only real hope for the future is through education and example.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Amen John !!!

    Very well said !!

    Owatonna, Minnesota
    Posts: 149

    Thanks to all of you who give out your information. All of the tips and techniqes help me now and will help me if I become a Pro. Its nice to talk to guides and people who also want to become a pro like me.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    You also are sharing your information with poachers,double dippers, and meat hogs. Don’t get me wrong, I will share info on the bite and what to use. I was all for helping people out so they could enjoy the experience. A dose of reality, the scumbags are using your information to ruin your fisheries.

    Posts: 10

    loose lips sink ships!!! Earl is right…half the fun is goin out and catching them yourself…. i’m all for sharing info too. But combat fishing sucks so i try to avoid the crowds if i can.If you are lucky enough to “get into em” it would be wise to keep it quite. At least until the bite slows down. Doesn’t it usually seem like when you get a tip on a “hot-spot” the bite is usually at least slowed down by the time you get there? Coincidence? Nope…..

    oh, i almost forgot, fished the kinni yesterday and caught a bunch of 14 inchers.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    I second Earl’s thought that Turk give just the right amount of info. He shares general info – enough to educate folks but not enough to give them the spot on the spot.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    on the subject of poachers/etc…. Im quite willing to spot them and share total information regarding them with the DNR.. I have a cell phone with their number programmed and I have a very good digital camera… Im willing to testify… when it comes to protecting our resources its all our jobs to do so.. spreading information on these people is the most effective way!

    Posts: 121

    Like it or not,I will be giving detailed info on the Croix all summer.You still have to figure out how to get them in the boat I figure.Good luck to everyone.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    If you don’t like to be helped ,why would you look at this site? That’s what this is all about. Helping people find new way’s and means of catching fish,if fish are biting in a particular spot and someone ask’s me “what should i do?” most of the time i’ll tell them. Nobody likes to go out and get skunked! Most of the time ,people who fish the spot on the spot know all types of spots that hold fish. I think there’s plenty of fish to go round!!!Why come here if you don’t like or want info???? :

    Posts: 124

    I don’t want to crawl up on the fence here guys, but late night spech writing can easily make a hypocrite out of even great troutchasers like me. In truth I am probably out of my element here because all of the places that I report on are already made public knowledge via the DNR and a map with big blue lines. Also I never report on a stream or river that is not open to the public. The majority of my large trout come off of nonpublic water so folks never read or hear about them. I guess that in a manner of speaking this is keeping a secret. I’ll go back to my Trout streams and hide!

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 82

    I feel compelled to add my 2 pennies here, aprox 4 years ago I moved up here, didnt know JACK about river fishing, much less the croix or miss, found this site from a customer at work, and have learned a ton! Including what trolling motor to buy, what to look for in a boat, motor needs as far as hp etc, heck i basically bought my boat, rods, reels and accessories with help from this site! theres more than just where to fish, but how to fish, I guess I just wanted to get on a soap box this morning and to say THANK YOU. anytime i can help someone wether it be fish locations that have or are working, colors, etc boat control, i only feel its my way of helping someone else, returning the favor..sort of.

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