Eirst attempt denied!

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I can’t say I went about it with a great effort but I did check out one of my spring crappie spots and I wasn’t able to stir any interest in my offerings. I believe I was too late in the morning to give it a fair assessment so I’ll try again soon and let you all know if the spring areas are kicking in yet. For now I think they’re still hugging the winter areas.

    Too windy to get out Sunday and be truly productive with the options available. Stay tuned………….the weather will change and so will the options list!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Well I can say I did go out with a lot of effort…but not time… I fished the MN side on Monday afternoon from 4 to 5:30 – 6:00. Not a bite.

    I did find some fish suspended in about 35 feet of water, but they just didn’t want anything to do with my minnow.

    But all was not lost! I tried out my new (used) stainless prop and check for leaks in the boat. I pulled out the live well pump this spring and it does have a dripper that I need to fix. I also, found out that if I’m to do anymore crappie fishing that I need to take my crappie rod along!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Did you get a random visit with a discussion? Or just a preference?

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