
  • Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    02/16/06 St. Croix River walleye and sauger fishing remains fair, limits are hard to come buy but a few keepers can be caught on most trips. Walleyes and saugers are relating to the sand breaklines in 20 to 36 feet of water. Chartreuse, glow, and firetiger patterns are good color choices. Swimming lures, rattle spoons, and even plastic turn fish. Tip these lures with a minnow, either partial or whole (leave bait off of the plastic though). Crappie fishing is spotty with a decent day followed by a slow day, the bite is hard to predict. The morning bite still appears to be the best though. Same techniques are catching crappies, crappie minnow and bobber set suspended off the bottom on a light wire hook or small jig. Smaller crappie minnows are working better than the larger ones for numbers. Crappies continue to roam the basin over the soft bottom in the deep from 35 to 40 feet of water. Ice is from 8 to 12” in most areas of the Bayport pool. A good half dozen inches of snow should help the bite for all species.
    Keep Catchin’

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks for the report Turk! Crazy year isn’t it?

    Normally we would be talking about 12+ inches in Bayport at this time.

    Between the ice thickness and the flock of “hundreds” of robins in my front yard Tuesday…I’m hoping that’s a sign of a very early spring!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18785

    Thx Turk. I know a guys that just got a 14″ crappie within 2 miles of Bayport. That really narrow it down!
    I’m going to try and get out over the next 3 weeks but I think I’ll skip using the truck this year. I know about where to go based on last year but I’ll need transportation so I will problably bring my wheeler out.

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    Hey Mike,
    How do ya like the wheeler?


    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    I agree mild winter in these parts. The Bayport area is a real ghost town especially with a so so bite, and skinny ice.
    Anglers will show up on the Croix even if they aren’t biting but not when they can’t drive on!

    If this was a better ice year BK, I could show you a good channel cat spot. Do you even eat those cats or just talk to them and let them go?


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18785

    I love my AC 500. All I have used it for is plowing so it would be nice to use it fishing on the Croix. I just have to get it home from the cabin.

    I think I can speak for BK when I say he just talks to them seductively, rubs them a little then releases…ahhhhhh I mean lets them go

    Maybe I’ll try to get the big BK out there after craps if he isn’t skeeerd of the ice.

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    Glad to hear it Mike, hope you get a chance to get it out fishing on the Croix.
    As far as BK goes, you may have a hard time getting him to the ice, I think he’s a bit starry eyed with a certain sunfish


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Silly guys!

    I’m not afraid of the ice…it’s the water that bothers me!

    Mike…leave the wheeler up there. I have a hitch on the back of my Polar shack. If you don’t want to sit and listen to me talk about all my catfish girl friends…we can pull your shack out too!

    PS most people don’t mind me talking to the cats…it’s when I tell them what they say to me…is what makes them scratch their heads!!!!

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    that basic lack of hair has taught me to avoid scratching my head, but when Brian becomes catfish profound, most learned lessons go out the window


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    St Paul Park MN
    Posts: 220

    Suzuki, I bought a 400 this year and plan on putting a few Croix miles on. Its a new world out there now the ice is taking a turn for the better. Just to bad eyes are coming to a close.

    Seen two wheelers on the WI side from where I was fishing sunday. Its been a few years since I have seen anyone run down thru there. Is that anyone on the board here????

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Fishing in “your” spot Joe?

    How did ya do?

    St Paul Park MN
    Posts: 220

    Few saugers but small and a mooneye. The ice is in good shape so I will be doing a little traveling next weekend and hit some unfished areas that are a little shallower. I was not able fish the spot I usually do and doubt I will this year but theres lots of other areas to check out for next year and maybe even find some slabs on the way. I guy needs something to do till them cats go back on the chow

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