St. Croix update

  • walzer
    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    I was able to fish the last three days on the St.Croix, and the bite is definately going good right now. The most consistant bite I had came from the Afton area, although I did have some success from the Kinni narrows area.
    The best pattern that I found was a simple three way rig with a minnow, slowly worked up and down sharp breaks. I also had success with three ways and stick baits, and blade baits seemed to do the trick as well.
    I found walleyes and sauger tight to the sharp breaks in 17′ to 27′ of water. We were able to connect with a good amount of 17″ to 19″ eyes, with the stick baits producing most of the larger ones. We did land a lot of eyes in the 14″ to 15″ range that had to go back, but it was good to see the good population of the smaller fish for the future.
    If you’re looking for a hot white bass bite, now’s the time to get out there. The whities can be found on most flats, from 14′ to 22′ of water. We caught countless numbers of white bass this weekend, with minnows getting the nod for the hot action.
    If you’re looking for some fast action, and some great scenery, the St. Croix is definately worth checking out right now.

    Good luck, and hopefully I’ll see you on the water.

    Derek Wallraff

    east metro of the twin cities in Minnesota
    Posts: 46

    Has the no wake ban been lifted and where do you put in on the St Croix Walzer????? jsut curious i have a 16′ with a 60hp can’t go too fast but gets me where i need to go

    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125


    Yeah, the no wake has been lifted for a couple of weeks now.
    I put in at Beanie’s Resort, just south of the 94 bridge. They charge to launch your boat, but are reasonable, and they have all the ammenities you need, from bait to snacks, and a good ramp. From there, it’s only about a five minute boat ride to most of my most productive spots on the river.

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