Reelect Jane Krentz and Paul Wellstone

  • CatfishJohn
    Posts: 41

    The quality of our rivers, streams and lakes is directly related to the quality of our elected officials and the people they appoint. That’s why it is absolutely critical that anglers get out and support the candidates who support our causes–mainly clean water that produces edible fish and public access to public waters.

    That’s also why I urge those of you who can to vote for State Senator Jane Krentz and/or Sen. Paul Wellstone. Krentz is chair of the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee and is highly regarded by conservation and sporting groups alike. Krentz is an original co-author of the proposal to dedicate 3/16ths of the state sales tax to natural resources programs. Outdoor News said it would be a “shame” to lose her in this election. Krentz’ opponent, Michele Bachmann, comes from the Pat Buchanan/Pat Robertson Religious Right wing of the Republican Party. You’re not going to find a lot of support for wildlife habitat and natural resource protection among that bunch. Bachmann jumped on the 3/16th sales tax proposal bandwagon after it was well on its way down the road–over a year after Krentz had been working on it. Bachmann is a Trojan horse and would be an environmental disaster.

    With regard to Wellstone, one look at who is financing the campaign of his opponent, Norm Coleman, is enough to say No to Norm. Start with Number One Norm Fan William Sweasy, CEO of Red Wing Shoes. Want dirty air and water and oil fields in Utah’s canyonlands and Alaska’s wilderness? Norm’s your guy.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    You point out a few reasons not to vote for Coleman, what are your reasons for voting Welstone? What has he done for the sportsmen of this state? Nothing! Environment? Nothing!

    And furthermore, what harm is there in drilling for oil in Alaska? I can tell that you are not fully informed on this issue. Shall we talk facts here….


    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4525

    Thanks Jon.

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 316

    How about the fact that Wellstone & Moe recently brought Hollywood actor & PETA activist Alec Baldwin to town to speak at a campaign fundraiser? How can they support hunting & fishing and then align themselves with a PETA spokesmen? That’s ridiculous! Vote for Coleman. He actually loves to fish. Vern

    Posts: 121

    Wow,the fishing must be slow for some people.Lol.JK.Is there any other choices to vote for?I will be doing a short report on the croix when I return from the weekend.Good luck in the Big pond this weekend Jon,talk to you later.

    Minneapolis area
    Posts: 199

    Both of them are heavily supported by PETA, The Sierra Club, The Tribes, and other anti sportsman groups. Keep electing people like this and you can pull your canoe to the boat ramp with your bicycle if you happen to have a water use permit that day. These people can’t stand the fact that there are other ways to enjoy the outdoors besides canoeing & bird watching.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I live in WI and am thankful I don’t have to make the choice for MN. However, Wellstone is not a preservist of true American free enterprise. He’s a socialist communism economist. Ask Russia how that turned out! Screw the nature preservation if it costs you your personal freedoms as an equal opportunist in this world. Wellstone’s been a BAD choice since he got in and I can’t believe that the MN majority sits idly quiet while he uses combined special interest numbers to overwhelm the voting booths. As for financial support………………I’d accept PETA’s money………………..I just wouldn’t do anything to favor them after the election……………..accept maybe send them a thank you card! Money talks…………..but do you always know what it’s saying? PETA forks it out hoping for support in return. If they support both, they’re trying to cover the bases. However, look to what the individual likes and wants and go on that. Wellstone has denounced so much of what our country is all about………………DUMP HIM ON NOV. 5TH!!! Oh yeah…………..all you Union guys out there…………don’t give the democratic vote just cuz the union says so. Think for yourselves and realize the mediocrity indusing effort is for an outdated purpose. There’s some MAJOR economic changes on the horizon and they need to be considered carefully in your voting election. You DON’T want anyone against free enterprise…………….like Well”fare”stone. It’s bad enough MN had to be embarrassed by a gov. like Ventura! He could’ve done so much and completely pussed out! DO NOT RE-ELECT WELLSTONE!

    Woodville, WI
    Posts: 54

    not much love for catfish’s political opinions——-I’m a Sconi and I think even I would puke if Paul Welfare got elected. Let’s find something better to talk about.

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 181

    Well said Kid!! I can’t believe that we are even talking about this guy. “Sick-Rock” could be one of the most liberal senetor in the entire nation. Keeping him in the office will not help the enviornment at all! Enough said on this topic.

    Lets go fish!!!

    Apple Valley, Mn (Pool 2)
    Posts: 352

    How about not pushing anyone for office on this sight. The people and this sight has done more for all that has been talked about that any Politician ever could. Everyone bands together here and that’s what’s important. I think there will be even better things to come from the FTR sight in the coming years.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3067

    I agree BT, have been sicker than a dog the last couple of days and haven’t had a chance to get out and fish. How/where is everyone doing. I was out to check on the boat friday and the water has gone down, hopefully the fish are getting hungry. Hopefully people were out this past weekend will post.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4525

    Star & Trib today talked about US Senate positions on the environment.

    Wellstone says that snowmobile manufacturers need to produce cleaner and quieter snowmobiles or face bans (talking mostly about Yellowstone). Can MN snowmobling in Voyageur or other national parks be far behind? How long before they go after boats?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    I had sent a letter to Paul Wellstone, and asked about his views on the 1837 and 1854 treaties regarding lake Mille Lacs. Specifically as to how it pertains to the verbage of how the Indians are to assimilate to our lifestyles, and abide by our rules and regulations. I had pointed out that there are approximately 2400 Indians who practice the netting and spearing “Ritual”, and pointed out that there are 1.2 million Minnesotans who hunt and fish lake Mille Lacs. I had asked him to help reverse what is taking place up there. He said “I am aware of what is going on, but I am choosing not to address it.” The next week he was up on the ‘Res” giving a ton of money to the Indians. I ask YOU, where do you think Norm would be on this issue? And the many others that Wellstone “Chooses not to address?” I would hope he would stand up for the majority of Americans, and not just Minnesotans, in doing what’s right, and not bowing to a special interest group (Indians) with a ton of money to dole out, thanks to casinos. Thanks, I have made my choice.
    I say, go ahead and net! When you get your 6 fish from 14-16″, pull your nets out, and you are done. Go home like we have to.

    The biggest nightcrawler bed in all of Minneapolis
    Posts: 189

    Anyone who knows me would certaninly lump me in with the “religious right”, although I’m not so comfortable with such a label. Anyway, this post was started by one who said that that side of politics doesn’t do much for the environment. I hope I speak for the vast majority of those who say they have a Biblical world view that you are wrong, Catfish. The environment doesn’t exist to be worshipped or preserved by man, but to be used for his pleasure and to meet his needs of food, clothing, shelter, etc. And yes, good stewardship is a MUST. I like Jon’s comments about drilling in Alaska. I get real nervous when I hear these psuedo-environmental groups who denounce just about everything having to do with entrepenuerial gain. Good grief!! Even if you don’t like it, God made man king of the jungle, forest, lake, river and everything else. “Be fruitful and have dominion” is what Genesis says. I say, “Amen”, let’s use and not abuse what God gave us for our enjoyment. Sportsmen are some of the best and most knowledgable folks when it comes to the environment.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    While speaking of politics and politicians isn’t the favorite topic of this website and it’s patrons, one must realize and admit that the issues and the subjects cannot be ignored either. It’s our duty to be knowledgeable and involved, because mere acceptance of what is handed to us is providing half of the role required to implement a socialist society. People like Wellstone like to beat us down to a point of giving up. His views are socialistic. TO IGNORE HIM IS TO HELP HIM. Yes, I’d rather talk about the latest and greatest bite too but it’s important to keep in mind that there are tons of responsibilities and priorities that stand above fishing and a fishing report. We think we know what we know and yet we really don’t know what we don’t know. That’s why it’s important to get the info out there and address opinions.

    Juggs, keep the faith! God honors committment!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Well said Kid!

    Make an educated vote. Know the issues. Ask questions.


    Austin, Mn
    Posts: 77

    Wellstone has to go!!!!! Sorry if I sound like an extremist, but I’d rather die than vote for that little prick!!

    Posts: 41

    Whooee! That sure brought out the bigots, religious zealots, confused cheddarheads and red-baiters. Go ahead and vote for Norm (fortunately many of you can’t). You’ll see more gated marinas on the St. Croix courtesy of Norm’s big contributors like Bill Sweasy, more mercury in your fish, more sediment in your trout streams, more big noisy polluting boats and jet skis crowding you off the river.

    Sorry you don’t get the connection, but from all the misinformed, ugly and hateful talk in the responses here, I guess I wouldn’t expect most of you to. I can only take comfort in the polls that show Norm going down big time.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Let’s just stick to the Facts.

    Coleman had nothing to do with putting gates on harbor marinas on the St Croix. That was a Minnesota DNR blunder under the leadership of Gov. Jesse Ventura.

    Would you mind posting facts regarding your statement “more mercury in your fish, more sediment in your trout streams, more big noisy polluting boats and jet skis crowding you off the river.” ?? Please, only facts backed up by some evidence…..


    Got to go before I get a “Bad Welstone”…..

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Well, I am not getting sucked into a name calling war here. I for one don’t believe Norm Coleman is going to pull up on a barge with Rodney Dangerfield as captain, with 55 gal. drums of Mercury…ready to dump in at his command! Wellstone has had 12 years tro show his true colors, and what has he done for sportsmaen and women of this State? You only hear from this guy when there is a huge photo opportunity, or if big unions are involved. For what it is worth, all parties do this to a certain extent. Wellstone is against “Big Buisiness”, and feels tax breaks should be there for a chosen few. Norm Coleman (In St. Paul) has done wonders for the community by bringing in “Big Buisness” and their jobs for all the middle class people Wellstone keeps ranting and waving his fists over! Are you familliar with a little company called the Minnesota Wild? Ask any of the taverns along West 7th stret if they are doing better since Norm paved the way for that to happen? All you will hear from the left is “Norm supports Big Business’s like Enron………” I for one would like a person like this, who has proven he can get things done on a large scale, and not some arm waving “Rah Rah Guy” who only shows up when it allows him a photo op!
    I’m done on this one. It may be just me, but it always seems that it is the leftists that resort to name calling when their views are called into question. I do not view myself as a bigot, racist, or redneck. I believe that laws should be the same for all, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ALL….regardless of color or herritage. I know all the guys you (Catfish) referred to as you have, and can tell you to a man that there are no more conservation minded, outgoing, and caring people for the environment. It would be interesting to know how much money was spent by people involved with the Wellstone campaign spent on hunting licenses, fishing licenses, stamps for various licenses….Show your colors.
    These are my views, and are in no way meant to be viewed as the position of anyone else involved with EFN.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4525

    I think that you are giving Catfish too much credit by even responding to his comments. Besides, he wont be able to read your response w/ his head up his back side.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Hey everyone,

    Let’s not call each other names. It’s an important topic and I commend Catfish for posting his thoughts. I just think there is a lot of false information out there and if the informed voter dug in a little bit and ask the hard questions…well, they might not be supporting Wellstone. (or Moe for that matter)

    This may be one of the most important elections of our lifetime. Don’t be un-informed….please.


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Jon, I agree. Mis-information comes out of both sides, and often! All you have to do is watch 5 minutes of TV, and you can get your fill. What it all comes down to is people have to dig, and decipher the information provided. What you hear from both sides is “So and so voted against food for your families”, whan in reality, it may have been attached to a bill that would have allowed raw sewage dumped straight into the River! All you will hear from the opposition is “So and so is anti-family!” There is always two sides to every story. I have done a lot of research on my part to find out who is who. As a side note , have you all noticed that they have removed party affiliation from all yard signs? No longer do you see DFL, or IR endorsed. They are hoping that they pick up votes from both sides, and not relying on party affiliation which may have alienated people in the past. I am sick of it all! Yuk!
    Let’s fish! And don’t forget to vote!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I guess it’s obvious we no longer have to address any who’s what regarding Sen. Wellstone. But the outlash toward our ability, and our right, to excercise a parallel freedom? I exposed my thoughts on Senator Wellstone because it’s not hard to trace the results of a man’s discernment during eras of prosperity. But in the days of uncertainty, we all get out the broom and “clean house”. So often the issues at hand aren’t even what should be concentrated on…………look at what was done, and for who, when the pressure is off, and you’ll see who fits the desires of your future. If you really want to show the character of a man, give him prosperity.

    I don’t need to pass judgment or express any uneducated thoughts regarding you as an individual Catfish. You’re telling your own story.

    Jeff Keller teaches in his book, “Attitude is Everything” that we become the vocabulary we use. The choleric/meloncholy approach to our opinions can be clearly researched and explain the “whys” of some of the responses in books like “How to Win Friends and Infuence People” by Dale Carnegie, “How To Have Confidence and Power In Dealing With People” by Les Giblin, and “Personality Plus” by Florence Littauer.

    I need defend nothing nor stoop to rebuke in light of anyone’s participation here, but I might want to examine where my finger is pointing in relation to the story I’m telling. I forget who made the quote, but it’s a solid truth to remember that for every finger pointed, 4 will point back.

    Excercise freedom, it is our equal right. Seek wisdom and polish discernment, this is our greatest struggle.

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