Anyone going out Memorial Day?

  • greg716
    Inver Grove Heights
    Posts: 319

    One of my favorite times to go fishing is when I should be at work. I will be out ther ebright and early. Anyone gonna be around to say “Hi” to?

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    Pool 8

    Posts: 412

    ill be toolin around by the kinni, probably putting in at st. croix bluffs. I’ll be in a black lund fisherman with the 150 yammie on it.
    see ya out there

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I would have been out there this morning…but the rain started. It’s ok though, my neighbor can in soaking wet with a nice fat little 16 incher and gave it to me… HEY! What ever it takes…right?

    Posts: 412

    what kind of rig will u be in?

    saw “The Griz” out today looked slow

    Posts: 517

    I’ll be out tomorrow (Monday) with my brother in law… We’ll put in at bluffs and work north. I have a 17′ Alumacraft Trophy in Red… It’s got IDA decals. Say hi if you’re out!

    Inver Grove Heights
    Posts: 319

    Made it out after finding Hastings Outdoors closed (apparently they open at 6 on Mondays, even holidays). Then drove up to the bluffs and the gates were also closed. I was really starting to think that I should go home and go back to bed, but no, after a long weekend of gardening, I felt I deserved some time on the water. SO I drove back to Hastings (bait shop still closed) and put in at the Marina. No bait, so I tried plastics and cranks. Caught a few, but without live bait my confidence level wasn’t right. So I tied up at the Prescott docks and strolled up to the Amoco only to find crappie minnows, but no fatheads! Can this day be cursed, or what??? Went back out and rigged some crawlers on some of my favorite breaks north of Prescott, and was finally rewarded around 10:30 with my biggest catfish to date. I didn’t weigh or measure it, but I would guess it about 15 lbs. What a blast to catch on 6# line and a light rod! Best fight I’ve had since the 29-63/64″ of two falls ago! Actually, it may have been a better fight, but I am not ready to admit that yet! All in all it turned out to be a great morning on the water until the cruisers really got thick. Could have squeaked out a limit of eaters if I had the motivation to clean them. I didn’t think about the fertilizing effects the “remains” would have had in the new garden til I got about halfway home, but I really didn’t feel like cleaning them anyway. Oh well, it’s a weekend off the river for me, since I am headed for Winnie Friday!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Actually, it may have been a better fight, but I am not ready to admit that yet!

    Baby steps Greg…baby steps!

    Good luck on Winnie…I’m waiting to hear if it’s jigs and shiners or lindy’s and worms!

    Inver Grove Heights
    Posts: 319

    Brian, somehow I just KNEW you’d have a response for that catfish-fighting line… As far as Winnie, past experience tells me lindys & leeches, but we’ll see what shakes out. Since it’s for a contest, I’ll feel much better after I get that first 26+” in the livewell… I’ll let you all know how I do.

    Inver Grove Heights
    Posts: 319

    Lindys with leeches was definitely the best way to go for “real fish”. Not to many legals, but numbers of slot fish. Out on the bars. The smaller fish were on the points and hitting both lindys and jigs.
    All in all the group I was up there with weighed in 35 sunfish over .90 pounds, and 19 of those were over 1 pound. Biggest was 1-1/4#. Biggest bluegill I have ever seen. Kinda forced every one to fish for them rather than ‘eyes, since panfish are worth much more in terms of contests. Was a great trip all things considered. Left the resort with a week booked for next year. Too much going on this weekend to get out, and fishing a tournament on Mille Lacs next weekend, so it’ll be a while before I get back to the Croix……

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