Jon J. on TV tonight!

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    KMSP Channel 9 picked up the story. Just got off the river. The story will run on the 9:00 pm news tonight I’m told. So tune in and lets see how this thing turns out! Again, not sure of the angle they will take, but it should be interesting. There will be quotes from Mr. Sweasy, the Mn DNR and me. (Sweasy declined an on camera interview.) At least all of you who have not actually seen this “Gate” can get a visual.

    Stayed tuned…..


    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    Seen it ! Good Job Jon. From what they said, the associates plans to comply and not fight the issue from what I understood. I wouldnt either after the way you handled yourself in front of the camera for fear of facing you on Judge Judy.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    *Geeeze*…. Missed it!!!… wish I could see it though….
    great job Jon!!…..

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Did anyone tape it? If so bring it to the gettogether and I will bring the tv and vcr

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Thanks guys. This was a real rush. Got the phone call yesterday just before 3pm. Was on the water at 5:30 and done at about 6:30. I was surprised when they said it would be on last night. It’s funny to see what ends up getting on the air.

    The 9pm news ran one version and the 10pm ran a totally different set of shots. I got the 9pm version on tape, but was not anticipating another version of the same story at 10pm. I liked the 10pm version better than the 9pm. I was pretty fired up on the 9pm news!! I will bring the tape Saturday.

    I was disappointed that the Harbor Association declined an on camera interview. But was please to hear for the first time that they do not plan to appeal the decision. Hope they were not lying or change their minds……

    See ya all Saturday,

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    1st front page Sunday paper now TV
    I can’t be more happy with the DNR’s decision to remove it.


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