
  • Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13370

    5 weeks until the croix opener. Is it true us MN guys are going to get a week jump on the Wis. folks for opener. Thought I heard some kind of rumor about this.

    Any reports on open water yet? I hoping to put in at Osceola again for opener this year. Had a blast and lots of fish there last year.

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    Mike – The main channel is open from Stillwater upstream. I saw some pretty good ice hunks floating slowly downstream. It looks like a lot of the backwaters are still iced in. My bet is that from Osceola down it should be pretty fishable in the main channel areas. The water is pretty low (675.9 feet) and unless we get a lot of spring rain we could have a low water level for opener on 30 April.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102


    I don’t have any firm plans for the opener. I’ll probably hit the main channel down here. If you have an open seat let me know. I don’t get to fish that stretch upnort much. Good Luck

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1823

    From what I got out of the Wi reg book they cannot start for eyes till the 1st saturday in may (5/6) So we get the 1st go

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 68

    Yup it’s may 7th for us WI guys. I can’t figure this one out it has always been the saturday closest to may 1st. April 30th this year.

    In-depthangling Field Staff

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    the MN opener is May 15 so Wi gets the big 2-week jump.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13370

    Thats for inland waters. MN, Wis. boarder waters open 2 weeks before that. But dont tell every one. Its a secret.

    Steve. Looks like my boat is full for the 30th. There are plenty of trips planned for after that. I’ll let you know.

    Any one else planning on hitting the upper sections of the croix for opener?

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 68

    I contacted a couple people within the WI DNR today about why they pushed the opener back to may 7th instead of the normal rule of the saturday closest to May 1st. One guy seemed totally confused and unaware of special MN/WI border water regs. the other guy Marty Engel out of the St. Croix County field station was helpful and I hope to have a good answer as to why the sudden change in rules soon.

    In-Depthangling Field Staff

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    o.k. Mike. Knock ’em dead.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1823

    My guess was they printed the books before talking or hearing of the WI dates But who knows. Once they are printed theres no going back

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    So what is the story on this? Can we fish on April 30? Can Wis residents fish on April 30? I can’t imagine they cannot. If the water is open, it is open. Anyone have any details?

    Posts: 1

    What does the river look like in the hudson area? Wanted to take the boat for a test drive out of Beanies Sat. Thanks

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    No problem getting out at Beanies…but unless the rain opened it up more…you could boat down to the first “can” at “cannery point” and up the channel…otherwise it’s ice.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 68

    From what I got from speaking with DNR officials there was a rule change that took affect in April 2002. It established that the St. Croix River Opener for WI residents would take place on the 1st Saturday in May along w/ the rest of the WI waters. I do not know the reason for the rule change yet. As far as I know WI residents are required to follow the rules of their state so WI anglers will not be allowed to fish the St. Croix until May 7th even if they purchase a Non-Resident fishing license from MN, but it’s something to look into I could be wrong.
    All DNR rule changes require a public hearing does anyone remember attending/hearing about a meeting regarding the St. Croix River Opener? Also, the view from Stillwater this evening showed open water as far as I could see. If you plan on taking your boat out for a test drive or crappie fishing watch out for logs and ice chunks.

    In-Depthangling Field Staff

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    This sounds so wrong. You would think the non-resident license would allow a Wi resident to fish the Croix on the 30th. I hope this issue gets lots of attention over the next few weeks so there is no doubt what the actual rules are for April 30th. The whole thing sounds so wrong. For years Minnesotans, including my self, got to start fishing on the Croix a week before the State opener now we are excluding Wi residents and taking the water a week before they can? Sounds like a lawsuit to me.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 68

    Suzuki I have been in contact with the WI DNR since hearing about this. Just e-mailed them again yesterday to see about the rights a WI angler who purchases a non-resiedent fishing license from MN has. I do not believe WI anglers will be able 2 fish the st croix until May 7th even w/ a MN license though. I also made a point to inform them that this could cause some friction as it is very feasible that alot of WI anglers are unaware of the new rule and will try to fish on April 30th. Another thing that is unclear to me is if MN anglers will be allowed to fish the WI half of the River prior to the WI opener. Point is like you said this needs alot of attention over the coming weeks. I don’t see why MN and WI DNR aren’t working together on how they manage this system as there decisions affect the whole system and the people who use it.

    In-Depthangling Field Staff

    St. Croix River
    Posts: 940

    Hey guys….this has to be some kind of miscommunication between WI and MN DNR. BUT, there is no way that they can stop you from fishing the Croix with an out of state license just because you are from WI. A license is a license, if you pay the fee you get to fish. The river is not divided into sides either….the only area that this applies to is fishing from shore. For example: Given both states were open, I could fish from the MN shore with a WI license as long as I obey the MN regulations. I wouldnt sweat it…FISH ON!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    What a colossal blunder. I’m a Mn resident and it’s still upsetting. I too think a non-resident license would allow a Wi resident to fish on April 30th but it’s still unfair. I can’t even imagine one state having their own opener on a shared boundry water. Maybe there will be an announcement from the DNR before then?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    No. The law is very clear on the non-res license. It would indeed be invalid.

    I’m going to call the Mn DNR and see what they say.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Well, that didn’t take long…..

    It’s a done deal. Minnesota opens on April 30, Wisconsin is May 7th. Minnesotans can fish both sides of the river. Wi non-residends with a Mn license cannot fish.

    That is straight from the Mn DNR who has answered this question a dozen times in the last few weeks. They are absolutley certain in the answer. We will not be changing our opener, neither will Wisconsin.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Holy Schniky. How unfair. All my fishing partners for that weekend are Wi residents!!! Looks like I may have to recruit a Mn resident from this site. Thanks for checking Jon.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13370

    The people from Wis. will still be able to fish the river on the 30th. They just cant target game fish. Heck Im hopeing to get over there in just a couple of weeks to chase the crappies, whities, and catfish around. Will just have to throw them game fish back.

    Now I would think if you put a person from each state in the boat the one from Wis. better not contribute to the limit either or he would be considered actively fishing game fish. Maybe he culd just stop realing when the fish gets to the side of the boat and hand it off to the guy in back. Now if the person from Wis. nets the fish will they beable to keep it?

    Sounds like a good opener to bring the attorney with.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 68

    Booya Baby! WI anglers are in April 30th! I recieved these E-Mails from Marty Engel a DNR biologist out of St. Croix County who has been very receptive to my concerns on the opener this year Thank you Marty. Read on!

    “Kyle, I share your concern, now it is time to spread word that we will be honoring the Minnesota opening date by not enforcing the WI opening date as published. If anglers have questions you can refer them to me or one of our local wardens. We appreciate your cooperation with resolving this matter. Thanks”

    “Kyle, After discussing this problem with law enforcement and others it was decided not to enforce the Wisconsin opening date and to honor the Minnesota opening date. In the mean time, let me assure you we are working to correct the problem from reoccurring. We regularly meet with Minnesota to discuss boundary water issues. This problem will most likely require a Wisconsin Administrative Rule change to get it corrected. In the mean time we will not enforce the Wisconsin opening date. All enforcement staff have been notified along the St. Croix”

    The System works I was beginning to think they were blowing me off.

    In-Depthangling Field Staff

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020


    Now I’ll have walleye not whine with my Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13370

    WOW. That is something else. With that good luck shineing on you did you go by a lottery ticket also? You just dont seem to here about goverment working like that. Not to try and rain on this but my thinking is that there are 4 weeks left until opener and thats plenty of time for someone to step up screw this up. Hope not for your guys sake but I just have no faith in there being common sence included in the system. This come from dealing with city goverments on a daily basis here in MN.

    Once again. WOW. and way to go.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    This is great news! Oh well, the walleye will be safe from me! They always are.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940


    Pool 2
    Posts: 1823

    A guy could still get the boat out there and drop a line just cannot target eyes right?It still gives a good chance to scout out the conditions and get ready for the next weekend. I am sure WI officers will be pretty sturn about this one but its not illegal to be down there.

    Im sorry but I had to grin just a bit about it. Its olny a week guys. I would give up a week any year to be able to use panfish and 3 poles

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 68

    Yeah, maybe I should have bought a couple. Man I hope they dont change their mind on this. The DNR officials in the know about the St. Croix were just as surprised by this as I was. I think it was just a mistake and the rule was changed by some people unfamiliar with the water and how it’s run by local DNR. Obviously the rule change went undetected by a lot of peoples radar. It would be a shame for them to change their minds again. Hopefully the MN DNR Jon Jordan talked to gets a hold of the news or they’ll be very busy writing tickets to us WI folk on opener.

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