The “Gate” makes the front Page

    Spring Valley, Wi.
    Posts: 46

    I picked up the Sunday Pioneer Press off the step this morning and what do I see on the front page? “Cove gate upsets anglers”. Way to go Jon!!!!! Hopefully this will get the attention of the public and the DNR, and keep the public waters open to the public. Once again nice work to all that were involved. Oh yeah, he even got his mug shot on page 10A. Good job, Jason

    Posts: 41

    Here’s the URL for the story:

    As the story indicates, the temporary permit for this atrocity has expired and the DNR won’t renew it if they get complaints about it. Do they need to be any more clear than that??? I urge EVERYONE who fishes the St. Croix–or even if you don’t, but want to head off this stuff in your favorite waters–to contact the DNR and complain about this crap. This is yet another example of how the DNR readily caves in to these rich monkeybutts at the threat of a lawsuit. That’s the ONLY reason they granted a temporary permit in the first place–to avoid a lawsuit. Also note the culprit in all this–the CEO of Red Wing Shoes, who owns most of the property in this gated community and refused to be interviewd for the story. A letter to Red Wing Shoes expressing your disgust wouldn’t hurt. I know I’ve bought my last pair of Irish Setters as long as this guy is in charge…Hit em where it hurts–in the pocketbook. That’s all these creeps care about is the almight dollar.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    this is awesome…. and we should share this in the main general forum!…. cuz Im sure everyone would like to hear about this!….. great work Jon… and great work everyone….. lets keep it up!….. I used the link in the article to email the author in support of our stance… and have called the DNR on this issue also…… we ALL need to take the time to do this… and not just assume it will be ok….

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    just dropped a little note to Red Wing Shoes.
    their e-mail address is [email protected]
    I’m sure this will reach the right people if enough write in.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Thanks guys,

    I knew the story was in the works, but didn’t know when it would be out. A big THANKS to Mary Divine for doing this story! Ken Snow aka “Bait Caster” deserves the credit too!

    Hey team, Catfish John said it best, we have got to keep the phone ringing! We got the MO!! The MN DNR’s phone number is 651-296-6157 or toll free (for you Wisconsin Packer Backers”) 888-646-6367. Call and Bitch about the “GATE”.

    Don’t think for a minute that your fishing spot may someday be “Off Limits”.


    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 181

    I will be on the horn first thing in the morning followed by an email. Good to see that you got some attention on this subject Jon!!! We can’t loose anymore water than we already have!!

    Posts: 82

    It also made the Duluth newspaper !

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Way to go Guy’s. What kind of DNR gives out a permit to avoid litigation from a bunch of rich guy’s’??? I couldn’t believe that statment made it to print! How dissapointing of our DNR!!!
    Keep up your voices.


    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    FYI Thomas Bradley was just named as the new NPS Croix superintendant. I haven’t found his email yet but did fire off an email to his position in St Croix Falls WI.
    The more people that are in power over the Croix who hear were angry the better.


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Think of this…Once a precident like this is set, anyone with a small cove along the Croix would be able to gate it off from the rest of the river. Many of you may not fish the Croix as much as Jon, Rivereyes, or I do, but there are a ton on little places like this that this could be done to. Many of these places are fish holding magnets because of what they are. It is amazing to me how the DNR can be selective in their thought process. When someone along the Scenic St. Croix Riverway wants to build or remodel a home, the have to have it approved by a bunch of different agencies! It cant be taller than “X” amount of feet, and it has to be a neutral “Earthy” type of color, blah, blah, blah! But if some rich guy wants to gate off a portion of the river, it’s OK????
    I noticed the gate was open on Friday…It should come down!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Please call Molly Shodeen of the Mn DNR directly about this story.



    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Hey Jon….
    I just called Molly…… but since Im actually a Wisconsin resident… does anyone know who we should talk to on our side of the river? isnt this a “joint” issue? how can Mn issue this permit without Wisconsin buy in? is it because its the Mn bank?… still its gating Mn AND Wi water….

    Posts: 70

    Didn,t I read somthiong on the board about a month ago or may be the sippi board oh well it dosen,t matter. It talked about a guy dreadging out a portion of mississippi and then trying to keep people out. was,nt this guy told by a judge to put up a sign fisherman welcom or somthing to that effect. NOw obviously you guys have never heard of the golden rule. HE WHO HAS THE GOLD MAKES THE RULES.Kohler company did somthing like that near sheboygan and got away with it.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I don’t think it matters where you live to log a complaint. As far as WI goes, I’m not sure who to call. I’d just start with our good friend Warden Stone???!!! Do you still have his e-mail address. You should send him a note. Ask him to visit the site. It’s been a while.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I don’t think it matters where you live to log a complaint. As far as WI goes, I’m not sure who to call. I’d just start with our good friend Warden Stone???!!! Do you still have his e-mail address. You should send him a note. Ask him to visit the site. It’s been a while.


    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    I just talked to Molly, letting her know that I did not appreciate having to pull up to a private dock to open a private gate, in order to enter public waters.

    I asked her if when I happened to accidentally bang my boat into the private dock when trying to open the gate to the public water, if I could be sued for damages done to the private dock. She confirmed that I would be liable. I also asked if I could sue for any scratches, etc that the private dock did to my boat, while I pushed their button to allow me access to water that I am legally entitled to. She was pretty sure that I could not. She pretty much agreed that it was a pretty lousy deal. She also said complaints were more powerful in writing.

    Molly’s e-mail is: [email protected]

    I’d include my name address and phone number, especially if you are a MN resident.

    Guys, I, think Molly is generally in agreement with us. Be nice…

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    PTC, thanks for talking with Molly. You are correct in saying the message is better sent in writing.

    One thing about docks. There is no such thing as a “Private Dock.” Any structure placed in public water is public. You can legally use any dock on any lake, stream, river, pond, swamp in this state! Go ahead and exercise your right to use those docks!


    Posts: 41

    While you are emailing Molly Shodeen at the DNR about the Red Wing Shoes Gate, be sure to copy DNR Commissioner Allen Garber at [email protected]

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Here is Red Wing Shoes official response:

    Hello John,

    Thank you for contacting the Red Wing Shoe Company regarding the St. Croix River access issue. Please understand the issue is between the Minnesota DNR and the St. Croix Harbor Association, not the Red Wing Shoe Company. Our President, David Murphy stated “The Red Wing Shoe Company and Mr. Sweasy support the public’s right to free and easy access to our waterways. We have personally shared our position with the St. Croix Harbor Association and asked that they continue working with the Minnesota DNR to achieve an acceptable solution for all parties. They have assured us that they have been and will continue to work with the DNR to assure access to what previously had been a land locked body of water. I would encourage anyone to contact the DNR to voice their opinions on this issue.”
    Thank you for your inquiry,

    Customer Service Department
    Red Wing Shoe Company
    1-800-Red-Wing (733-9464)

    I received this twice from two different CS reps. It appears to be a canned response. I guess, at least I got a response.

    Posts: 41

    Hiding behind their St. Croix Harbor Association makes no difference. The CEO of Red Wing Shoes is the prinicipal landowner in that association so it’s pretty clear who can call the shots. I’ve bought my last pair of Red Wing boots and told them so. However, I got no response. And what’s this crap about a “previously land-locked body of water?” If it were land-locked, it couldn’t be a marina, could it? Sounds like their lawyer is laying the groundwork for a challenge to the DNR’s permit denial. Seems Mr. Sweasy wants it both ways–the rights of a landowner to control access to his “previously” land-locked pond, and the rights of a riparian owner on a public body of water. Sorry, Mr. Sweasy, that water is everyone’s, not your private domain. DOWN with the Red Wing Shoes Gate!

    Posts: 70

    This harbor association is a smart out fit and red wing shoes is got a good letter stating that they can work it out. I can tell you that the harbor out fit is in no hurry to work things out. Putting the gate up in the first place by getting a temp permit was a very stupid thing on Dnr part,but I suspect political favor here. Now follow me on this,and mark my word on this. First the Dnr will not extend the permit,harbor association challenges the Dnr. Next if Dnr wins they will tell them to take down gate, harbor refusses and they go to court again, and of course gate stays up untill judge decides. harbor outfit argues gate is unlocked so therfore the public has access,maybe and this is how this crap happens just like a domestic problem with child visitation the child just happens to be sick on visitation day and momy dose,nt want child to go with daddy,well this happens 5 or 6 times and dady calls cops well cops say this is not our turf go to judge that signed order now after 2months for court date judge tells momy you bad girl don,t do this again. we,ll thats your gate latch some guy will try to open gate and it won,t open,fisherman goes away after 100 times somone gets ticked of calls cops ,not my thing cops say go to judge. judge says bad harbor out fit don,t do that again. Harbor said bad switch did,nt know it but got it fixed judge sorry judge by the time that gate is gone if it ever is dicided you and I will be old and tired and public attention has long withered and the gate will still be there of course it will be unlocked to public HAHAHA. now that the gate is up any judge that tells them to take it down will apeal to the next higher court and of course the gate will not be touched untill the new court decides and look for big money to flote around to politicians thats the game see you at the gate in 5 years guys that gate is there to stay and expect it to be locked by then

    The biggest nightcrawler bed in all of Minneapolis
    Posts: 189

    Let me get this straight. ANY dock is public?! How many times have I heard of fisherman getting the whatfer for fishing near, on, around, you name it, somebody’s private dock. Can you give me a link to this in writing? I’d like to be able to pull a Barney Fife and tell ’em the law is on my side.

    Posts: 41

    Sometimes the best policy is to follow the money. William Sweasy of Red Wing Shoes has donated $4,000 to Norm Coleman’s Senate campaign since July 20, 2001. The Coleman campaign returned $1,000 to Sweasy on Aug. 1, 2001. But on that same day, a Carol Sweasy of Bayport donated $1,000 to the Coleman campaign. Seems our friend and Red Wing Shoe CEO Mr. Sweasy knows how to work the system…Perhaps candidate Coleman should be queried on his position on this issue, or whether he has plans for the St. Croix Riverway.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Bump to the top…..

    There is a local TV station interested in this story……


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