I’m sure most of you have read about the gated private marina down by St. Croix Bluffs. Beleive it or not guys, the owners of that marina actually have a permit from the State of MN. allowing that gate to be there. Now if we allow our paid off politicians to let this gate stand. Look for every marina on the Croix to have a gate in front of it. This is a serious issue guys!! And I would urge all of you to call everyone from the water patrol to the Governor. That gate must come down!! And the government officials who issued that illegal permit must be exposed. I hate to sound negative, but if we don’t stop this we will eventually lose the whole river. Please start calling ASAP.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Wisconsin Lake & Rivers » St. Croix River » Terrible precident being established
Terrible precident being established
June 13, 2002 at 3:47 am #244330
how can the state of Mn issue a permit on water that is ALSO WISCONSIN water which restricts Wisconsin residents from access to what is also THEIR waters?
June 13, 2002 at 3:59 am #244333Thats the same question I asked the guy from the MNDNR, and he didn’t have an answer. He said he would be looking further into it tomorrow.
Posts: 41June 13, 2002 at 11:58 am #244337Once again, I would urge you all to contact your local media–print and broadcast. Call the local papers up and down the river and call the metro dailies. Go to their websites. Most all reporters and editors can be contacted via email, and if you’re reading this, you know how to do that! http://www.rivertowns.net will get you a few of the area weeklies all on one page. [email protected] will get you the pioneer press outdoors writer chris niskanen. [email protected] will get you dennis anderson at the star-trib. Also contact outdoor news. They’re good for reporting on these kinds of resource issues. And don’t forget the fishing magazines. The best way to deal with jerks like these gate-people is lots of bad publicity. Embarrass them where they live. Turn them into pariahs–They are taking your river away piece by piece!
June 13, 2002 at 2:49 pm #244347In an earlier post, someone had mentioned that there was a button that allows anyone (even a lowly fisherman) to enter. Can anyone verify that?
If that is the case, is that the loophole that allowed them to get a permit?
June 13, 2002 at 5:54 pm #244355Hi Guys,
I’m rather new to posting to this site, but by no means new to the croix and it’s waters. I’ve been by the marina mentioned, threw jerkbaits for Muskie off the corners last night in fact (it was open BTW). Ya it’s a bummer when a group of wealthy folks can monopolize what they think is their corner of the river but you know what, there are over 30,000 acres of water and perhaps 400 miles of shoreline to the St. Croix river. I’m sure the folks most concerned have pulled a good smallie or two out of there, it’s a cool little cove no doubt, but with all the river at your becon call why get all bent about this little cove which amounts to a virtual drop in the bucket of what makes up the river? Don’t get me wrong, I thought the gate was odd and definately should not be allowed to happen. I think whomever contacted the state did the right thing, lets hope they will resolve it. Karma catches up with folks, rich get richer, not happier.
Lets chat about fishing? Anyone have any tips for that pool? We have been doing really well between hudson & afton on the main lake points, specicially those with long flats adjacent to them. last sunday was exceptional, my partner and I boated 25 with 6 over 20″ and a nice 26″ to boot, along with countless smallies. Pulling crawlers slow was the ticket, 10′ seemed to be the magic depth, heavy south wind helped to. Last night was spent exploring for Muskie spots between prescott & kinni, no fish seen but some likely water uncovered. Looks like lots of good shoreline to troll as well.
Mike T
June 13, 2002 at 6:37 pm #244358Mike,
It’s the point that matters. Yes, it’s a small harbor, but if you let them gate it off, then pretty soon all of the harbors have gates
Then what??
I don’t think we can let this “Cancer” go unchecked.
June 13, 2002 at 8:46 pm #244363J~
I agree with you, no doubt. I will bet that in short order due to the fact that one of us noticed, took the time to adknowledge and questioned the legality, it will go away (unless deep pockets prevail, be prepared for that as well).
I do however question the ferocity at which we level our disgust/mistrust with such situations. I think “cancer” is a strong word. Cancer implies death or mortal wounding, this is merely a nuisance.
Hey, how’s the fishing been anyone?
Mike T
June 13, 2002 at 10:37 pm #244365Mike, I know this seems like a small peice of the river. But it is a peice that I fish every year. And while I know there is a button to gain access to this one harbor. It would be awful to have to push a button to get into every little bay on the Croix. And if this gate stays up, sooner or later you will see nothing but gates up and down the Croix. Now can you imagine law enforcement driving from gate to gate checking the buttons to make sure they are in working order for public access. I think there are more wise ways to spend enforcement dollars. Now I can tell you that Wisconsin officials will not stand for this ludicrous behavior by the MN agency that permitted this gate. I guarantee you that one or another this gate will never be closed again!! This issue however small establishes a precident that will eventually lead to the little guy not using the river. And I can tell you that there are more of us than them. I don’t care how much money they have, we have the votes.
June 13, 2002 at 10:58 pm #244366I agree! But not just up and down the Croix, how about from here to the Gulf of Mexico? How about that little cut into a bay on a lake? I can see this thing getting out of hand.
This is much like situations on lakes where land owners rope and bouy off huge section of lake in front of thier property under the guise of “swimming areas”.
This is serious stuff folks.
June 15, 2002 at 4:20 am #244407Mike, I appreciate your efforts to keep this issue to a “dull roar” but while ferocity may not be your choice of attitudes, where do you draw the line on what size or type of rights violations deserve to get people riled up or not? Jon’s mention of up and down to the Gulf is a real one. I read in BassMaster last fall over concerns of losing tournament waters to newly flooded wetlands. Guys that once owned that land have gated the canals and entry ways that cross their “property lines”, stating that they own the land underneath the water and don’t want to allow anyone access to their land.
Here’s where it gets sticky………………the water is public. As public as the air we breathe. So, if it’s legal for an aircraft to cross OVER the land you own, it is equally legal for you to “fly” over the land you own, if and when covered by water. Down south guys, this battle is being LOST! It’s going to spread because the media can also inform more people of the same interests and preferences as those currently committing these acts. It’s a small, and suddenly allowable, disintigration of our God given, legal statutes of freedom. It’s all about knowing where to draw a line.
When Jon compares this to a cancer, it may seem harsh, but it is spreading and in many areas, there’s been no cure, and it’s killing what were once lively freedoms! It’s brutal in it’s truth to be compared with such a thorn in our American realities, but it’s not much different.
So, my plea is this…………….whether it’s the freedom to work safely in a high rise building, drive to the local whatever, or fishing that same old water hole, since when should the loss of ANY American freedom be treated as anything less than a cancer within our society as a nation?
Say or do nothing, our freedoms will be lost. Stand up and fight, you might be called a right-wing activist, but who do we generally have to thank for the preservation of our freedoms? Do the research and you’ll be disgustedly amazed at the findings of how LITTLE good the “live and let live” attitude has done this country or it’s value systems.
I know this post is preachy as all get out, but I’m not shy about asking anyone about what they think freedom is and what responsibility that requires of them as an American citizen. On a global scale, why do we concern ourselves with little specs like Cuba, Libya, Iraq, the Phillipines,……………Hawaii? It’s part of a bigger picture.
Watch Saving Private Ryan……………when Hanks says “Earn This”, that inspires me to do so. That’s not just a movie script, people die for our preservation of freedom and we should earn the worthiness of those sacrifices. Let’s put up marina gates and re-invent “upper class”………….where the rest of us “peasants” aren’t allowed. Sorry, that just plain conflicts with the plaque enscripted on the Statue of Liberty. To whom much is given, much is required. Call it a nuisance or a cancer…………..without action, the result will be the same and the only difference we’ll see is in the choice of consonants used to describe an identical issue.
June 20, 2002 at 11:08 pm #244587Thanks Kid, May feelings exactly. And thanks to Bait Caster on the original post. (Check your e-mail)
This aint over! The media is interested in this story and has contacted me. You will be hearing more soon.
Please call the Minnesota DNR at 651.296.6157 and log a complaint about the “Gate on the St. Croix”. This wil really help in makeing this gate go away.
Stay tuned.
June 20, 2002 at 11:28 pm #244589way to go Jon!…
thanks for bringing this to our attention… this is one of the things this brotherhood of river fisherman is good for!!.. to keep us alert to things that are of concern to us all, and to provide a way to take action.. just think.. if we were alone on this.. we wouldnt even know it was happening.. let alone be organizing a action against it already!!!!.. I think this is great…. and is just one more reason why this site is so important to us all…….July 14, 2002 at 7:58 pm #244201Bump to the top…..
There is a local TV station interested in this story……
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