so WHAT happened?

  • rivereyes
    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    did all the eyes in the CROIX up and die? or is no one talking about them anymore? gee not fish the river for a couple of weeks and loose total track of whats going on!…

    does anyone have a report?

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4548

    Turk has updated reports in his personal website. I have seen it here before, so I dont think FTR will care if I post it again.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    I was out yesterday morning at Prescott and all we caught was small ones.A few nice silvers also mde it in and an occational sheepie.Settle down stillakid!!!!LOL.dId’nt see anyone else catching anything.We used Chart. Power minnows and Dad had his tipped with a crawler,And I outfished his bigtime. He was to stubborn to just use the plastic.Did’nt get to try the Kinni but we did drift the docks and the steamboat.Tuck leaves town for a week and so do the Fish!!!!Tuck ,Come home.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    We hit the Kinni last night with no luck, only saw smallies caught. Moved down to Prescott and picked up half a dozen decent Saugers 12′-18′ with a few dinks and small silvers mixed in. Tried a couple wing dams on the sippi and lost half a dozen crawlers with no fish boated. I need more practice on a technique that works. Tried anchoring above, trolling parallel, and drifting across them to no avail!



    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    RipLips and I were out yesterday for a few hours. Nothing to brag about….. Caught a few fish working a sand point near deep water. Simple hook/sinker and crawler put a few fish in the boat. Did see a couple nice fish get caught in the same area however.

    Just a real nice day to be on the water. Glad to get out.


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    LOL!@Chappy! I’m alright buddy!………….got my fill of sheepies a couple weekends ago………….DNR was a bit surprised to see a couple in the livewell but hey, that’s turning out to be half the entertainment! They sure don’t bother checking length limits and if there’s anyone else in the boat, they’re quick to point out that the “junk” belongs to you so if there is anything wrong, at least your buddies are making sure you have nothing to do with it! LOL!

    Final word? Blue Gills aren’t as tasty, Bass can’t compete, and they blow whities off the planet! Go ahead, take the sheepy challenge (lol)………….I DARE YA!

    I’ll be manning the “Sheepshead Support Booth” at the Get Together! LOL! Stop by for a free sample!

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020


    I’ve got to get this straight sheepers are better than whities? I like whities. Out fishing today I commented that I need to try one… I like to believe that I pride myself in making up my own mind, and I think I just might fry up a sheeper!!! ye haw! But first or again they are good?

    Keep Catchin’

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 181

    Hey PUP. There is a big article in the Outdoor News this week about the sheepie!! I was wondering if you wrote it. It is an interesting article but they didnt’ give your secret recipie for cooking them!!! You should check it out!

    rf wis
    Posts: 6

    TURK When ever we go out i thought we were trying to catch drum/ whities…. i didn’t know

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Alright! An open mind!! Don’t JUST fry one up…… I haven’t done that yet myself. I’ve got a little recipe that was given to me by walleyefshr last year that is truly AWESOME and SUPER SIMPLE. If you really want to try one up, make sure it’s between a 2 1/2 – 4 lb. fish, otherwise there isn’t much meat. You can do up bigger fish but I haven’t tried that yet either and I don’t know at what size the flavor becomes less appealing. If you like, I’ll get a sheepy or two, do ’em up and drive over with the sample! I think I remember where you live………..not too hard to track down if I don’t. I can private you my number and you tell me when you’re home, I’ll be there with sheepies inside of 30 minutes (like Dominos! LOL!)!

    Marine on St. Croix
    Posts: 35

    In the last week the Walleyes picked back up between Osceola and Copas. This past Wednesday
    we got 4 legal fish including a 26 incher and several non-legals. The fish have been shallow and smacking
    countdown Rapalas and Husky Jerks in any color as long as it’s bright!

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    pretty funny… I hardly fish the “upper” croix… between TF and stillwater from now until fall….. after I read that almost all walleyes and saugers abandon that area for the “lake”….. pretty much all thats left is YOY and fish under 15″….. dont know why… course on the flip side there are still lots of other fish in the river…. maybe Im too focused on eyes… guess its great for smallies and cats with some pike and musky tossed in……
    however.. kind of funny… Ive not been able to fish the river because ever time I get rigged to go my honey or someone wants to fish a lake…. so I been mr lake fisherman….. Im really missing that flowing water….

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