Prescott Saugers

  • KevinMcG
    White Bear Lake
    Posts: 2

    On Friday 5/30, Tuck took me out on the Croix again. The last time was on December 20! It was quite a change both weather-wise and results.

    OneTrick and I are always giving Tuck a hard time about the quantity of fish he says he gets out of the river, even so far as to giving him a golf clicker with the words “shots” and “putts” replaced with “walleye” and “sauger”.

    Once we started fishing, he says: “Here, you run the clicker”. We fished from 8:30a to 4:00p and after numerous “Hey, you forgot to click that one!” the total was 80 with 12 nice saugers in the well. (Without the clicker, I know he would have said 100.)

    The method is posted on one of his earlier posts.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    sometimes living in Wisconsin and working from home I DO feel like I live in a time warp…. but here 5-30 just came… and its on a thursday!… so do you mean you were out last friday?… just wondering.. cuz myself I keep MISSING the bite.. so far Ive been at least a couple of days behind it… or maybe even just a couple of hours….. hopefully my reflexes are a BIT quicker on the actual fish bite…..

    White Bear Lake
    Posts: 2

    Yeeeeesssss!!!! I am losing it!! it was Friday and it was the 24th. Actually, Tuckner told me to say the 30th to throw everyone off.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    It was hard enough teaching you to catch fish, now I gotta learn ya how to tell time too???????

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