Turk and the Griz in MN Sportsman

  • ferny
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    There’s a good article in the MN Sportsman written by Noel Vick with Turk and the Griz on the Croix. They really spill their gutz! There’s years of experience in those paragraphs.

    It was real good except how detailed about all those “secret” spots. You know how everytime there is an article the spots get pounded -)



    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    link please?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    I saw that article and yes it was good. Your right the detail was amazing.

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    I’m sorry, but it is sportsman that provide the “detailed” info that help speed up the learning curve for the rest of us! You still have to catch, pounded or not! I wish there was more detail to all of the info out there. I am sick of seeing we caught them on this at that time of day???? Boy that really helped out didn’t it???

    Yes there is the lively hood of some guys in question, but isn’t educating people on how to catch fish, going to help in creating a better pool of conservation minded fisherman? I would have to say yes for the most part. There will always be a few bad apples out there!

    If we make it easier( is it ever going to be “easy”, fishing that is) for people to catch fish, they will be less likely

    to take home fish that should be released. FOr example if “Joe Blow” is out fishing, not really knowing how to target or catch walleyes and lands a real nice fish that should be released, do you think he will release it if that is the only fish he caught all month or week or day? Personally( and from personal experience, before I learned a thing or two), I would have kept it out of frustration from not catching! Follow?

    SO why not help people, providing as detailed inforamtion as realistically and circumstantially possible!!!????

    Time to go fishing, bye bye!!!!

    Jim W

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    no link yet. must buy magazine.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    Test to see if my new picture shows

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Jim W. The “Secret Spots” comment was tongue in cheek!

    As everyone knows most of the secret spots are on the Fishing HotSpots maps -)

    My advice to you is hire a guide on the water you want to fish! I learned a ton with the Griz in a short period of time. Turk is next on my list even though I’ve been fishing the Croix for 10 years. I’m never too old to learn new tricks.

    Also what makes people good fisherman in my mind is without a doubt TOW (Time On the Water)! Get your kids hooked on fishing thats what I’m trying to do! Then when were too old they can take us fishing -)


    rf wis
    Posts: 6

    ferny jw always takes fishing stuff serious… thats how he is and thats why he fishes…

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020


    I heard our Friend Poi has been into the Muskies… he has been promising me a trip. I told him I didn’t want to get the fever though! They say Muskie fever is a terrible thing to acquire…

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Eric and I have discussed your possible susceptibility to the fever! I have caught it and plan to fish with him August, full moon up in Hayward. He’s put me on some nice fish over the last couple of years. Poon Pounder yanked a bucktail right out of the mouth of a 40″ plus fish 2 years ago. Scared the ##$$!! out of him.
    Nice article in the magizine. A little notoriety never hurt anyone. C-ya on the 28th

    rf wis
    Posts: 6

    turk did you get a new boat??? i think i saw you out on thurs.. i was buy the bridge … caght a mit full of 14-18.. went fishen with the poy on minday the 17th and caught a giant pike and had a nice muskey on… honky caught a 42 inch muskie and a 20 pound pike… poy said the muskies are going mad right now up in haywerd… give me a call

    the kaptn

    SE MN
    Posts: 519


    How goes it mang! I hope all is well with you and yours! Gonna make the SPring BUffalo Bay trip?
    Might have to get hooked up with the poy as well. I have never been fishin’ for “lunges”!!

    Jim W

    rf wis
    Posts: 6

    hey jim things are good and i dont now about buffalo bay… we have two new karlsons on the way in dec… call the poy in the fall he’s booked all the way to aug somthing…
    be good

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    I heard about that! Congrats!!! We are due that time as well!

    Jim W

    rochester mn
    Posts: 15

    Jim, can you give me some more detailed information on catching those big smallmouths in the Root,or trout in non-designated trout streams? You seem to know quite alot about these subjects. Some specific details on locations would be nice. Since it seems you are a big advocate of more detailed reports, why don’t you get the ball rollin? And I’m not talking about your usaul response of “do some exploring, thats half the fun.” Does your lively hood depend on the smallmouth and trout you catch?

    SE MN
    Posts: 519


    Hmmmmmmmm!?!?!? Detailed info on big smallmouth and non-designated streams, let’s see……

    Well, I have written quite a bit about the aforementioned, not sure if I can really help out much
    more? First, what do you consider “more detailed information”? What are you specifically looking for?
    My livelihood? Is that insuating that “pro’s” shouldn’t give out detailed information for others. I’m no “pro”!! Probably never will be a “pro”!
    If “pro’s weren’t suppose to help people catch fish, then what is the use of this and other fishing sites? If it is merely to acquire business/clients for their
    guide services, then I believe fishing sites will fail!

    If Turk, James Holst, Dustin or whomever gave YOU the exact location and tactic, I’m assuming with your comment that now you can go and have equal success,
    catching as many, in turn hurting their business? I doubt those guys have trouble filling their schedule books regardless! I Haven’t fished with Dustin, but I have fished
    with both James and Turk and both are avid and knowledgeable fisherman who hold high regard for the fishery! If you are a sportsman, practicing catch and release, how would
    your equally successful day hurt the fishery or their business, especially on a river?
    I can see how a lake my be a little different with things remaining a little more constant, but you still have to catch now don’t ya?

    As with the Mississippi, the Root etc. yes it takes exploring! Geeez the free info people get on these sites pretty much does everything except catch the fish for you!
    Things do not remain constant on the Miss nor the Root. I have to wade miles of water some days to land a “Big smallmouth” or a big trout! SO again, I guess I need more info from you, defining “more detailed”!

    Keep the rods bendin’!!!

    Jim W

    PS. Are you willing to share “more detailed info”?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Practical application of a tip or information is the key to success. If you learn how to use a presentation, or follow advice about techniques, practical application will make you a better fisherman. The key is PRACtical as in PRACTICE. As you stated, a guide can take you to a “Hot” spot, but unless your knowledge of why these fish are here, and how to present your bait/lure, chances are you may not do as well as you did with your day with the guide. Rising, falling, and even steady water bring on the need for different fishing techniques and locations. Every day is different. Practical application of knowlege, whether it is gained from this site or other media, is the key. You can learn a lot about where fish go in high (As it is right now…) water, but with enough practice, you can actually find ways to catch these fish. I get 50% emails chastising me for giving out too much information, and 50% calling me a liar, saying they spent the whole day there, and never caught anything! You can’t please them all!

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    geeeeee Tuck!!.. that means you get 0% that say THANKS!!… thats pretty sad!…
    well.. OK… I will be the odds breaker then…..
    THANKS!!!! Tuck for all the information you given us!!!

    rochester mn
    Posts: 15

    Jim, In your initial post on this subject you mentioned that you would like to see some more detailed information. I would also like this. Like you said, the time of day and type of lure don’t constitute a detailed report. Could you give me some specific stream names that hold these large trout(non-designated trout streams of course). Also the exact area where you catch these giant smallmouths and trout would help alot.
    As for pros sharing information, i’m all for it. It just sounded like you didn’t think they should in your initial post. Now it sounds like you have changed your tune????
    I’ll due my part now… Fished from shore on lake Pepin today from 6p.m-9 p.m. Fished one pole with a night crawler and one with crainkbaits. Caught a 20″ walleye on cranks along with a few smaller ones. The crawler produced several sheeps and one fish that snapped my 8lb fireline(carp?)Hot color was bright orange. Fish were hugging the rip-rap. I was fishing from shore in Lake City off the pear.
    As for smallmouth streams they have been nearly unfishable this year due to all the rain. I have however, had a few chances to fish a stream ealier this spring. I got alot of bass over 15″ and one that taped out at 20″. These fish were cought on small craw colored bass jigs. The bridge i was at is located about 15 miles west of Roch on HWY 30. Most of the fish were located near a deep pool about 1/2 mile north of the bridge. Loction is key, these fish may move but this area will almost always hold bass.
    Jim, the above reports are what I would define as detailed. If you need any more info let me know and I will due my best to help out a fellow fisherman…. Will you???

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    I too have reaped the benefits of TUCK”S repo’s, especially on the Vermillion River! Thanks again EYEGUIDE!!!
    Alpha, I am a little confised, I re-read my inital post I don’t find anything implying that people should with hold info????

    It appears that you stream fish? As a stream fisherman giving up too much detailed info on small streams, especially for trout,
    will never happen from me!!! As in name and stretch of the stream. Trout waters get smashed way too hard already and are hurt siginificantly
    more than a lake or the Mississippi or Croix! People worry about catch and release of decent walleyes in our lakes and rivers, but soon forget
    the impact of people taking home a 20 inch trout to flop on the grill!!!!

    ALso, this relates to streams and small rivers, I have no clue who you are? Will you respect landowner/fisherman relations? Did you get permission the day you fished a half mile upstream from COunty 30??????? That isn’t public land!!
    Do you keep smallmouth? What kind of trout do you keep?

    I’d be more than happy to take you to some of my favorite waters! However, I will not share them on the internet!!
    I spent many years accumulating many miles of shoreline, walking through 6 foot high itch weed and burning nettles, getting zapped by bees, mosquitoes and deer flies! Now I need to give you my favorite hole on a trout stream????

    Ya right !!

    Jim W

    If I was interested in learning more about

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    what’s this discussion doing on the St Croix river board?
    can’t you air your differences through PM’s?

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    I think it’s relevant to the original reponses. Plus, not much else on here except Turk’s latest fishing report?
    Getting a little possessive are we??LOL I will do my best not to post my opinion on the Croix Site from now on!
    I’ll stick to my lowly stream and small river discussion forum! SOrry if I “peed” ya off!

    Have fun on the Croix SteveO!!

    rochester mn
    Posts: 15

    Jim, Yes I did get permision to fish the stream and i release all fish i catch! If you don’t care to share information just say so, I however will keep sharing info while passing on the importance of catch and realease. I may not share my favorite spots but I will share some good ones.

    P.S – If you were interested in learning more about what?

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