
  • Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    Here’s some info guys..

    St. Croix River is slow to form ice over the majority of the river. Believe it or not there is a thin sheet of ½” ice (unsafe) from the High Line Point area running south to a bit north of the Andersen “Bridge” Road. Gulls are very thick in the Bayport pool and are all the way from the Mallileau Dam (no flow from the dam) to the NSP plant and gulls feeding heavy on shad. Bald Eagles have come out of the wood work and are in the Bayport area, and though they are common now they are still a treat to watch. From what I have been seeing on the graphs there is no shortage of shad in this pool and that may be very poor for ice anglers.
    Hard to say…

    Keep Catchin’

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I think it’s going to be March before we get fishable ice on the Croix…

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