shes a dirty girl……

  • rivereyes
    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    yep.. the Croix up at Osceola is pretty dirty right now….. (what did ya think I was talking about?)… stopped down to check, since we have been getting pounded with rain this week and its supposed to continue… its just GOTTA make a difference pretty soon… right now the water is only up a little… but the visibility is down… at BEST a foot…. but I think visibility will get worse and the water higher… there are still plenty of fish up here right now.. if the weather would give us a break maybe we could fish for them!! Ive been wanting to get out since Saturday and the only day Ive seen that looked decent was Monday… by the time I decided to go it was already to late for me to give it much of a shot……

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    And here I thought that meant you two’d be made for each other! (wink) Good to hear the level isn’t up too much up your way………..the launch dock is going under in Hudson so I was wondering what we might be in for. I too think she could rise some more but hopefully with the ground thawed now we won’t get near the amount of runoff we’ve seen earlier this year.

    Say, my curiosity won’t let me leave this one alone……………ummm………………why do you want to catch something from a “dirty girl”??? Man…………..just when you think you know someone………..(shakin’ head disgustingly)…………………………..I tell ya………….some people’s kids!

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Well Pup….

    some people werent put on this earth to “get it”… lol.. and I dont want to contribute to delinquency of a minor.. so I guess I better not explain this to you in detail… just want you to know that fishin aint the only thing that can put a smile on your face!! and we will leave it at that!….

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    if she’s dirty, is she cold too? anybody get a temp. out there lately? I’m hoping the temp will come up by next Friday and get the fish on the feed. Clarity hopefully will improve by then also.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 82

    i spent from 5 til 8 on the river tues and the water was 49 at surface. 2 smallies nothing else happening. thought about fishing this sat but weather looks like its not going to give us a break………..ever

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I talked to Turk a little bit ago.. then read his report.. the water was clear down where he was fishing…. but thats going to change soon because the entire river was nice and chocolatly up here and thats heading down…. lets see.. I would guess the current speed to be close to 2-3 mph… and Im about 20 miles up… so could be as much as 10 hours before it hits by stillwater…. but for sure it will hit before tommorrow morning… but maybe I will give it a try up here tommorrow….. we will just have to see….

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    just read Turk’s report also. sounds like mid to high 60’s for next weeks weather. c’mon and warm up a little will ya?!?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    I talked to my buddy 2 hours ago on his cell. He had caught 1 small eye and a mooneye. The boat next to him had 3 legals.

    Looks like the rain didn’t kill it for this weekend. I’ll be there.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I WAS going to make it out today… *sigh*… I did not.. according to that prediction it will only go up a couple of feet… but that will put it bank full and moving up in this area… and probably murky as well… but the fish ARE still up here Im sure of that.. and they will be “kissing” the current breaks pretty hard… sounds like shallow current breaks are the deal.. I know a few of those… behind islands and such.. could be good… now if I can find some time!

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 82

    was out last night from 6pm until about 830 skunked on the eyes but had a blast with a 31 inch sturgeon on 6lb fireline!!!!!!! ps water temps at 51 surface.

    Joe Mama
    Posts: 15

    I’ve been out Wed, Thur, Fri and will be going out this p.m. Generally fishing from Stillwater bridge up to the railroad trestle. Water level’s up quite a bit and there’s lots of stuff floating down (some of those deadheads are nasty), but there are fish to be had. So far all have been males and anywhere from 15 to 18″. They hit like a ton of bricks when they hit, but it’s only been about 1 fish per hour. Seemed to do best after the lightning stopped Wednesday night. Didn’t try it during the lightning for some reason ;-)

    As for your dirty girl issue, I think a little no-scent soap is generally VERY helpful.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102


    49 degrees on the 9th and 51 on the 11th? sounds like it’s warming a tad. if we can get another degree per day through next weekend, it should be just about right. I’d like to see it get around 55 and the post spawn bite should really turn on. I’d sure like to see my buddies catch some fish out there this next weekend.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 82

    steveo..couldnt agree more…ive been fishing mostly from the rr bridge down to bayport, i think tues weather permitting id like to try n of the rr bridge to stillwater, any suggestions?? or maybe n of stillwater a bit? ive never fished up that way except one time way up by osceola. didnt get out this weekend, anyone else?

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    North of Stillwater is where I hear the good bite is going on. Current breaks and behind islands. That’s where we’re heading Friday.

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    Steve O,

    I’d say that may not be your best bet, after the water rise a lot of the fish shut off up there, though it’s cresting thursday, plus or minus the rains, I’m not sure I’d plan to start there, though it’s worth a look see. North of Stillwater can be a tough place unless you are dialed in.

    I’ve got a new website function that allows me to post reports essentially at will on, I’d do them here but It would be a bit much, I don’t want to put out a report every third day or so.. I’d be the FTR report hog, but on your own site- post away!. I posted as of monday that the bite from Hudson south to Prescott is the best bet, but hey, you cant’ be in two places at the same time, so I may be wrong, and friday is to come, they may be rockin’ up there.

    If you get a chance give me a call.

    Keep catchin’

    Turk Gierke

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102


    thanks for the update and I did read your latest post.

    I’m anything but “dialed in” but fishing with you over the last couple of years had helped me tremendously on figuring out the ‘Croix.

    I will call you and I hope you got the message I sent you via your website.

    thanks Charlie

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I fished the croix by Osceoal today.. it was tough for me… though I dont have it dialed in either.. I do have a clue or two….. 2 short fish was the tally.. mostly I was catching grass that was drifting in the heavy current.. clarity was decent.. but debris was rampant….. I trolled cranks because I was with my honey and thats easy money when it works.. it didnt.. given the day to do over I think I would have 3 wayed with crawlers… but thats hind sight

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    I finally made it out on Friday the 10th. Water surface temps were 48-51F. Caught 2 smallies in 8-10′ . No eyes, however, it was good to be on “the dirty girl” again.


    Hudson WI
    Posts: 82

    was out tues night, nothin! if im not wrong, the water current seemed faster than fri, gee due to all the rain??? anyway alot of boats out spoke to a few and alot of 0’s

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    Hey Guys,

    The bite was smoking today from 2:00 till 4:30 in a popular fishing grounds on the Lower Croix, My client Mr. Motsis, staying in town, nailed the fish, he caught and released an 8, 6, and more 4’s than I could believe ( at least six). It felt like a fall smasher! Essentially mind blower in a community spot in 17-21 feet, they we ok in there earlier in the week, but lights out today…

    This is the Croix – home of the 21″ big fish – so these sizes are very good for this particular body of water.

    I believe these big females are returning south (stay please stay) to Pool 3 or maybe they are Croix residents? Tommorow who knows?

    I would love to spill the beans, but It’s irresponsible. I’ve seen boats show up in double digits on spots a day after posts! where they weren’t before. I will say, rigging night crawlers was the ticket! Ringworms or other plastic nope, no way.

    The ringies did take a few nice smallies near rocks looking for eyes, but crawlers in 48 degrees, It’s true.

    Keep catchin’


    Posts: 121

    We hammered them on crawlers opening weekend,should of stuck to that game plan today.Fished from 600-800 with alot of numbers but no size.Tuesday was a differant story put in over 15 sauger and 10 nice eyes 17-22 inches in a well known spot fishing from 4.00-6.30.Depth was 21 and that was it,23ft white bass within seconds.Good luck to all heading out to Bago for the next 3 weeks.

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