I hit the Croix on Tuesday night, looking for a few ‘eyes south of Stillwater. After an hour of nothing, I noticed some splashes close to shore. My guess was that smallies were chasing baitfish – at least that’s what I told my friend so I sounded like I knew what I was doing. Whatever it was, the smallies were hanging tight in 1-2 feet of water and HUNGRY! 
We cast the “grandpa rig” as I like to call it, a plain red hook and a split shot about a foot up the line, with leeches and just let them sit in a foot of water. My first 7 casts this way I connected, and my buddy got fish on his first 3. It was just a riot, I’ve never caught so many smallmouth so quickly – even in the boundary waters!
Nothing huge, the biggest was 17.5″ but it sure was fun! We ended up catching 15 smallies, as fast as it started, the bite turned off just as quickly. And then we went back to chasing the ‘eyes. We only ended up with 1 legal, but the smallies made for a memorable trip.