Hello. I want to start a Men’s small group where we would meet on a weekday night at a place like Hudson Bagel Company (location to be determined – St. Croix Valley area though), and discuss fishing the St. Croix and fishing in general. Then read and discuss the Gospel of John or other related books to develop or enhance the relationship with God.
To start I would do an informal 20 minute “seminar” on how to fish certain techniques, such as leadcore, split shot fishing, fishing with plastics on Pool 4, etc. I would do these talks and rotate the lead as needed.
You do not have to believe anything about God to attend, a curiosity is a plus. This will be a brand new group, I am the only member right now, and in terms of attendance if you can make it great, if not see you next time.
The group would meet for an hour total, I am thinking Wed. night. Please contact me here, through a PM, or [email protected] with questions.
Have a great,