Bayport area report, 6/22

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Ever have one of those days when you’re not sure what you want to do? And then when you figure it out, you’re not sure how you should go about it? Well, whenever I feel this way I always resort back to trying to learn something new and see how it goes. So instead of chasing panfish on Wapo, I opted for walleyes on the St. Croix. Where to go? What to do? Hmmmm…….. I guess I’ll just troll along and learn what’s around here!

    15 minutes later I had my first “dink” walleye pulling one of them new Frenzy sticks. Deep diver in a black/white/orange spot pattern. Frenzy’s rattle like the dickens so I wasn’t sure if that would help or hurt. I also put a Grappler Shad in tow, Firetiger, size 14, 100′ back.

    I put the little eye away and started north again…….. and in 10 minutes, I had another one on the Frenzy! Hmmm…. Interesting. This one was bigger but still shy of 15″ so back it went. Next eye didn’t come until I’d passed under the power lines but it was a 15.5″ eye and I haven’t had a meal in awhile so I decided to keep it. Realizing I wanted to go back to the “hotter spot”, I started heading south again only to have a plug foul or something….. anyway, my 15hp was reduced to about 6hp! I limped back to the better area and I made one pass and picked up an 18″ eye! I looped around for one more pass but didn’t land another bite. I didn’t pack any night lights either so I thought I’d limp back to the landing and call it a night. I was out there for about 3.5 hours and if I’d have stayed in the productive area, I might’ve had some real good numbers last night! But 4 eyes, NO SHEEPHEAD, …….. no other visitors either… that’s okay for me beginning after 6pm and clueless on what to do or where to go. I’ve learned of 2 more “go to” spots and those new Frenzy’s work! The Grappler works, just wasn’t what they wanted last night. Not sure of the temp guys but I was in 25′ of water running a breakline, pretty consistant.

    I don’t know if this cool front will change anything or not but I know if I had the time, I’d head right back out there again tonight with a couple more confidence lures and punish ’em!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I have some GULP, tried it once, failed miserably, but I’ll try it again. I think the curve on the big bills are very steep. Seems to me that I was “down” very quickly with 100′ or so of line out. I watched it with only about 10′ out and my line was probably at 50 degrees to the water! I was bumping stuff clear down to 18-20′ down on 10lb. Fireline.

    Excellent, “tight” wiggle to them to! You can really tell if your hooks picked up even the slightest of weeds or debris. It changes the whole feel! I’ve got a decent number of these new cranks and I’m beginning to feel like these might be excellent summer season choices? I can’t wait to try them some more! They hold true right out of the package, even at a good clip!

    Good luck trying yours!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hey Ken…glad you got some tugs! I’m heading out around 1.

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