No Wake on the St Croix

  • steve-demars
    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    The St Croix was at 683.17 feet this morning which automatically triggers the No Wake restriction.

    For those that don’t know about the No Wake rules on the St Croix this is the legal basis for the restriction. (Note paragraph H which denotes the reason for the current No Wake restriction):

    Subpart 1. Slow speed zone. No motorboat shall at any time be operated in excess of a slow speed from the dam at Taylors Falls to the sandbars located approximately at mile 31.0.
    Subp. 2. Slow-no wake speed. No motorboat shall be operated in excess of a slow-no wake speed in the following areas:
    A. at the narrows located approximately at mile 28.6, which is 0.4 miles downstream from the Arcola High Bridge;
    B. between the Coast Guard navigational buoys designating location of the navigation channel from the railroad swing bridge located at approximately mile 17.3 to the south side of the southernmost bridge in the Interstate Highway 94 corridor located at approximately mile 16.1 and from shore to shore in the area known as South Hudson Bay, downstream from the Hudson dike road to the embankment of Interstate Highway 94;
    C. between the Coast Guard navigational buoys designating the Kinnickinnic River delta narrows from approximately mile 6.6 to approximately mile 6.0;
    D. at the Prescott Narrows from the north side of U.S. Highway No. 10 bridge located approximately at mile 0.3 to the confluence of the Saint Croix River with the Mississippi River;
    E. within 100 feet of shore (including the shores of islands) and of swimmers, from sandbars located approximately at mile 31.0 to the confluence of the Saint Croix River with the Mississippi River;
    F. in that area known as Andersen Bay, located approximately at mile 20.0;
    G. from shore to shore in the area known as Afton-Catfish Bar, located approximately at mile 11.4 to 11.8 as measured in the navigational channel, and established by regulatory buoys; and
    H. between the dam at Taylors Falls to the confluence of the Saint Croix River with the Mississippi River, whenever the water level reaches 683.0 feet, mean sea level, as measured at the Stillwater gauge.
    Subp. 3. Exception. Any motorboat designated for law enforcement shall be exempt from this part in circumstances involving emergencies or violation of law.
    Statutory Authority: MS s 86B.205; 104.25
    History: 15 SR 2492; 20 SR 1196
    Posted: June 11, 2008

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    WOW! We really did get a lot of rain. I was out of state Thu-Mon and missed it all and had no idea it was going this far.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 502

    Do they predict it going higher or what???

    Posts: 2

    Looks like 84 and change is the predicted crest. For now

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    It was just inches below 683 at nine last night.

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    It went up +0.63 feet in the last 24 hours. Looks like about a half a foot a day with the crest at about just over 684 feet. Will probably hold on through the 4th of July and then start back down.
    I was upstream last night chasing cats – all the islands are flooded and quite a bit of debris floating. No place to camp right now. Kind of throws a monkey wrench into a lot of people’s 4th of July plans I bet.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Yea. Holiday weekend on the river would be severely curtailed if no wake. Raining like hell again this afternoon.

    PS-so far another 1/2 inch as of 2:30 this afternoon after two downpours in Woodbury.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    Again, I’m so glad I didn’t buy a season pass for Lake Front park, but it still sucks that it being closed it affecting my getting out. I guess I need to find other places to put in.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Windmill in Afton is a good place to put in

    Lot’s of boats on the river last night despite the no wake….It’s funny though I didn’t see one sheriff

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I always thought the DNR was the decision maker on the St Croix No Wake restriction but turns out Washington County is the decision maker. This is the link to their website with the No Wake information.

    Part of me doesn’t want to ask this question and the devil is making me….

    Steve, who controls the WI side for no wake.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Checked out Boomsite last night. Totally launchable.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506


    Windmill in Afton is a good place to put in

    Lot’s of boats on the river last night despite the no wake….It’s funny though I didn’t see one sheriff

    That is because they are tired from bird dogging me Tuesday night.

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906


    Part of me doesn’t want to ask this question and the devil is making me….

    Steve, who controls the WI side for no wake.

    I think the sheriff departments from the respective state counties have agreements on river rules and enforcement. I know I have seen sheriff boats from MN and WI counties patrolling the river. In order for any rules to be effective you have to have compliance and enforcement. A big piece of the compliance part of the puzzle relies on people to obey the rules. As we all know the enforcement of St Croix boating rules are usually not very effective. It is a big river and there are limited sheriff resources available to patrol 24/7. We get what we pay for.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Steve, not to start an arguement but I strongly disagree with your statement. Somehow both sides of the river have found funding to heavily patrol the river 7 days a week 20 hours a day. There is a lot of law enforcement on that river (from Arcola bridge to Prescott) consisting of coast guard, 3 different County sheriff and the DNR. I personally have never seen so many law enforcement on any other piece of water

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506


    Steve, not to start an arguement but I strongly disagree with your statement. Somehow both sides of the river have found funding to heavily patrol the river 7 days a week 20 hours a day. There is a lot of law enforcement on that river (from Arcola bridge to Prescott) consisting of coast guard, 3 different County sheriff and the DNR. I personally have never seen so many law enforcement on any other piece of water

    X 2. Jesse, you forgot to include the Park Rangers too.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Once gave me a dirty look at Boomsite the other night. Is beer considered an alcoholic beverage?

    Black River Falls
    Posts: 36

    x3 I got stopped 3 times while fishing one day. During midweek!!!

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    x3 I got stopped 3 times while fishing one day. During midweek!!!

    That’s not only harrassment but ridiculous to boot. How many house boats and cruisers did you see get checked ? I rarely see the cruisers or larger boats get checked. In fact the first time was just this Tuesday when one pulled out from the Marina.

    Croix Valley
    Posts: 689



    x3 I got stopped 3 times while fishing one day. During midweek!!!

    That’s not only harrassment but ridiculous to boot. How many house boats and cruisers did you see get checked ? I rarely see the cruisers or larger boats get checked. In fact the first time was just this Tuesday when one pulled out from the Marina.

    Coast Guard was pulling over a cruiser as we went in Tuesday night, 1/2 hr later they were still floating down river together

    Can someone explain why CoastGuard allocates $’s to patrol the Croix.??

    If you don’t like being “harassed” on the Croix, just figure out the night bite, they all get off the water at dusk.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    If you don’t like being “harassed” on the Croix, just figure out the night bite, they all get off the water at dusk.

    Not always

    Paul Heise
    River Falls, Wi
    Posts: 723


    Can someone explain why CoastGuard allocates $’s to patrol the Croix.??

    I think its because it is(was) navigable waters for barge traffic. And its technically connected to the golf making it international waters if you will. At least that’s my guess

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Right on until…


    making it international waters

    It’s a Federal Navigable Waterway.

    If it was international, could marry folks on it. LOL!

    My turn to guess.

    There has been more deaths on the St Croix over the 4th weekend then any other waters in the area. I don’t think they are allocating money “to the St Croix” but it make sense to show a presence in the high traffic areas.

    My guess.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    No-wake would go a long ways towards avoiding fatal accidents around the 4th. I hope it stays that way until then only for that reason.

    Dale Rueber
    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 233

    Excellent point. I actually like fishing the St. Croix when the no-wake in place. There are always a few that have no idea that it is no-wake but they usually learn very quickly.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Was out yesterday lmao at a Sheriff boat chasing down 2 jet skis the chase started just north of the kinni and went all the way to Black Bass bar before the Sheriff caught up to em.

    Ps the fish were on the chew. Heres Brittanys mom with some StCroix gold

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    And seeing as its no wake I decided to just troll from spot to spot and what better to do with the lull in the action…….have a dance off. IM certain I won

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Love a sense of humor!!!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Will you share what tactic was working? Crawlers or cranks? I’m hitting a couple areas tonight.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506


    Will you share what tactic was working? Crawlers or cranks? I’m hitting a couple areas tonight.

    It looks like the half chicken dance move that Brittany’s mom is doing worked pretty well for her. Let us know when you are going to be out there. We will come take pictures.

    Last Tuesday, we did better on crawlers than cranks.

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