What a beautiful morning! Fishing was slow – water high and strong current. We caught some small saugers, a few silvers and some sheepies to keep us interested.
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Sunday Kinni results
June 7, 2004 at 6:15 pm #307712
I fished the Kinni Sat while passing through with my wife. I quickly caught two nice ones which I kept for Sunday dinner. I had a few more bites, lost one half way to the boat, a couple small bass and sheep. I must have hit it just right because they were on a tear for a short time. Tiny spot on spot. I tried fishing it again on my way back through but the high wind finally beat me down. Sure were alot of bass boats out there fishing that tourney!!
June 8, 2004 at 12:15 am #307771I was in that same area early Sunday morning. The fish were really snapping…unfortunatly non were eye’s or saugers. Bass, white bass and sheepies …deep, shallow, fast, slow….all the same.
But…as someone once said…I used to complain about my shoes …until I met a man without any feet…
Fishing…the weather…the damn bass fisherman…Life is GOOD!
June 8, 2004 at 12:40 pm #307835Sunday morning I started down in Prescott underneath the bridges, live bait rigging. First fish, biggest walleye I’ve ever caught. I some how snagged him through the gill, got him next to the boat twice, but my netting skills weren’t there at 6 in the morning. Needless to say I got to see her twice, but never in my hand. I thought I finally had a picture worth posting, maybe this weekend.
Any who, I picked up 5 or 6 from the bridge to the flat north. Nothing of great size, but fish none the less. I made my way up about 1/2 way to Kinni on the mn side, picked up a couple more. Until the cruisers kicked all the debris along the shoreline. Back to Prescott I go, made a few more passes through, saw a guy next to me pull in a 21 incher, the same time I hooked into a 17, made the 17 look tiny. Back to the launch at 10:30 to watch the comedy taking place there. I think a prerequiste for buying a boat should be a class on how to back a trailer. Two lanes means two rigs should be able to back in at the same time, doesn’t it???June 8, 2004 at 1:29 pm #307849Ritt…the one that got away…is always the one that keeps you coming back fishing! I’m glad you got to see her!
Also, If classes where made mandatory, what would we have to watch and laugh at?
June 8, 2004 at 4:44 pm #307893But Suzuki, you have to admit that sitting on the picnic table at the Hastings ramp with a cold one is very entertaining!
June 8, 2004 at 8:30 pm #307931When I first pulled up I was a little miffed, no I was pissed. Watching yahoo after yahoo try to back the boat in, using both lanes of course. Once in, they jump out of the suv with jeans on, then it dons on them. Hmm, the water is high, I am going to have to get my pants wet to get the boat off the trailer. So they get the boat off the trailer, and can’t find a place to beach it. Again, water is high. So they let little Johnnie (all of 12 years old) stand knee deep in the water (that dad didn’t want to get into) holding onto the rope with a big 18 plus foot cruiser attached to the other end. Seems that dad forgot what current is. By the time dad gets back, the boat is up against the rocks and dad is mad.
Thank goodness I don’t have to deal with the public launches often.June 9, 2004 at 5:50 am #308001Ritt…I love the ones that back their boat down the ramp and stop just before the water…to untie the straps from the boat cover!
Generally the next guy in line let’s him have it!
I go to the Wind Mill Marina and it’s not as ugly as Hastings…but I did live in Hastings for a year and launched there many times…(on holiday’s ’cause my wife made me
) On those days, we planned on getting out early and comming in early (around 2) or later (around 8). I’m sure it isn’ t any better than when I was using it.
Really Suzuki, Sat or Sun. around noon and 5 pm. Don’t know if the picnik table is still there, but grab a six pac and just watch. It’s a hoot!
June 9, 2004 at 8:38 pm #308100I used to work at Willies hidden harbor when I was younger on the gas dock.They had there launch right next to the gas dock….best job ever….That was some of the nastiest water around in that harbor and I seen atleast a dozen baths taken down there
along with a few guys that thought it was a good idea to unhood you boat from the trailer b4 dropping in(plus they had a real steep launch).Needless to say they didnt get the boat in the water that day
but it did get to set on the launce for a while.Between the ladies in swim suits,free beers,and the comedy launches that job was great.
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