Big Louie

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m not sure why..but today when I stopped at Beanies they had the Big Louie sign up sheet up. Or what I call the “Turk Donation Sheet”

    Once I figure out the rules, I’ll post them here.

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    Hey Beachmaster-

    I saw your name on there today, and I was glad to see it! The Big Louie is likely the top contest on the St. Croix, not tourny a contest, though in the past it had far more entries. It runs for months 06/01 to 10/31 and who ever brings in the biggest fish of the following species wins the catagory.

    Sorry no bass!!! That is a river rats contest If I have ever seen one!

    I have been trying to get more folks in it for years but all these hot shots can’t spend 15 bucks! ha. Though they got 100 horsepower or bigger motors??

    By the way I didn’t win a single catagory last year. The competion is tough.
    Anyway the past winners are listed for eternity or until Beanies is flooded away in the”Big oNe” I think it’s cool and an honor to get your name inked on that board! So many of the river’s who’s who have been entered in the BIG LOUIE!!!

    Keep catchin’

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I knew if I mentioned your name and Big Louie in the same post, I would get you out of the so to speak!

    Question about the BL contest.

    1) Sturgeon are out of season and according to the laws they have to be ” immideatly released”. They have to be weighed and measured at Beanie’s, wouldn’t I be breaking the law?

    2) If I am the first contestent to enter the BL contest for ’04…does that make me a river rat? Or am I still just a river rat wanna be?

    3) “didn’t win any money last year” How can you say that with a straight face. Your name is in every award sign in Beanies…many times more than once…EXCEPT for last year.

    Check your PM bud….

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I knew if I mentioned your name and Big Louie in the same post, I would get you out of the so to speak!

    Question about the BL contest.

    1) Sturgeon are out of season and according to the laws they have to be ” immideatly released”. They have to be weighed and measured at Beanie’s, wouldn’t I be breaking the law?

    2) If I am the first contestent to enter the BL contest for ’04…does that make me a river rat? Or am I still just a river rat wanna be?

    3) “didn’t win any money last year” How can you say that with a straight face. Your name is in every award sign in Beanies…many times more than once…

    Check your PM bud….

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    1.) Ok Mr. Technical – they don’t allow a sturgeon to be weighed until the season opens— Maybe I should call you doctor sturgeon from your pm?

    2.)You’re a wanna be rivrrat! but since you fish for flats in May….well we’ll see –it’s really a mentality being a rat and there are days I wish I had my Grumman back that is a river rat boat! River eyes (gone from this board but not forgotten!) is keeping Old Man Grumman safe and floating.

    3.)I was talking about the Big louie contest- Ed Philpot’s been kicking tail. Plus the big fish guys are getting real real quality cats and sturgeons (later in the year they will)

    Maybe we can get more hot shots like you in the tourny, I mean everybody has livewells now a days so these fish make it to fight again. I would love to see the tourny FULL!

    On a side note the saugers had the feed bag on today.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Saugers today!?

    I’m putting a location transmitter on your boat

    What was the presentation? And the gps numbers….

    I’m just getting home from Catten….It’s a long dark ride to Afton from the Kinni at 1 in the morning…

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