Worm Dirt!

  • kraigklund
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 37

    Did anyone else have an experience similar to this on Saturday? As for myself and my partner, the fishing was pretty darn good and we had a great time together catching a few nice walleyes and enjoying the weather which was much nicer than predicted. On the other hand however, I have never seen such poor fishing and boating behavior on the part of other fishermen in my life. Some of the crap that people were pulling out there was just rediculous. The kind of stuff I would expect from pontoon boaters, not fellow fishermen.

    A couple of examples include: While fishing a well known point, a boat was heading straight for us from a few hundred yards away. It was a good sized white glass boat with brown details. I was convinced it was a sherrif’s boat that was determined to bust us up pretty good by the way it was coming directly at us. But when it got within about 50 yards, it slowed down, veered slightly between us and shore and checked out what we were doing. I could have spit on his boat, and believe me, I wanted to do worse. This guy continued to past and stopped about a hundred yards away. Soon after, I set the hook on a nice fish. I got a very nice 22″ eye in the boat but not before my “buddy” and two other new boats got a good look at it while I was landing it. Before I could get my line back in the water, these three other boats were literally right on top of us. Unfortunately, I soon hooked into another nice fish. As I got it up to the boat, a guy in one of the boats was on his cell phone telling his buddy that someone had a big one on and that he should come and join us. At that point, after getting a good look at a 24″ plus eye, I cut the line and told all my new friends it was a carp. I was not happy. I spent the first three hours looking for some active fish and no sooner do I find some hungry quality eyes than I get attacked by fish vultures. I also had several other fishermen drive so close to us that I could quietly have a conversation with them as they passed while we were working some main lake structure. Now this wasn’t in a main channel area like the Kinnie where this is unavoidable, but out in the main lake with literally a half mile of open water on either side of us. Unbelievable.

    I did make some smart comments to some of these morons, but now that I look back, I should have said much more clearly and calmly what I thought they were doing wrong and that I didn’t appreciate it.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18872

    It’s only going to get worse every year as more people access the river. Makes me afraid to even use a landing net. It’s like waving a flag and screaming “fish over here”. Usually this type of behavior peaks on opener because of the high number of people out there. Basically you have to suck it in and take it fishing anywhere near the cities. Don’t get yourself in trouble on account of some moron. Sometimes another boat is not following your lead either. I pulled up to one of my known spots Sat and another boat was trolling nearby. We fished about 200 yards in front of him. He problably thought I was only fishing there because he was but that was not the case.

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