The bites between two rods in the same spot (like ice fishing almost!), I never waited more than 10 minutes for the next tug/feed and hookset! All crappies, nothing else, but in a variety of sizes too! Caught the smallest St. Croix crappie of my life……… about 6.5″. Biggest came in at 12.25″. I’m only about 8′ down in 20′ of water and they’re coming to me so I think if you locate them, just stay for a short spell and see what happens. All caught and released…………… but the taste buds aren’t gonna put up with that much longer! I think a couple for the pan will have to happen shortly!
Better news is that I did it jigging and I got more of the traditional crappie “bump” instead of discovering weight on the end of my line. So, the aggression is picking up. Also had a harder time spotting baitfish in the area………… which struck me kinda weird……… Don’t they travel with the food sources? Commonly? I know I tend to go where food is!
Without a graph with me, I can only assume they’re deep enough that I can’t see them.
It’s getting better guys! If they keep changing at the rate they’re showing me, they’ll be giving you all you can handle within a week-10 days!
I’d like to get out and comb the marina next week some evening……………. anyone interested?