Croix 5/25

  • Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I was finally able to get Lund85 (owed him a trip for website) out on the Croix for some walleye action. We didn’t get started till later in the afternoon and things started out slow. We zeroed the first 2 spots and picked up a couple dinks on spot # 2. By the time we got to spot # 3 it was game on with an 18″ eye. After that we decided we were going to have our own no stake in boat tournament and any fish caught besides a walleye or sauger was going to result in a -1 fish penalty. By the time we left spot # 4 I had a 3 fish lead but after a sheephead and Russ catching onto to the way I was rigging my crawlers he had a good come back and we were tyed, but a walleye at the time to go bell for him put him into the lead for the night so now Russ there’s going to have to be a re-match. All in all between the 2 of us we ended up with a mixed bag of 12 walleyes and saugers and only 3 or 4 sheepies.

    Russ it definitly was a great time and I was glad to finally be able to get you out on the Croix. Thank you for all your help with my website I really appreciate it.

    Pics are a few of the fish we caught and the 3 fish Russ decided was enough for him to take home for a meal

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    Thanks for taking me out Jesse! It was a blast learning a little about the Croix. Now when we come fish the SCVWL I won’t be completely helpless. Next time you go out you may want to practice shaking off the sheepies Thanks again Jesse, I had a blast

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Nice going on a day that had quite a bit of rain and thunder late morning and afternoon.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    sweet, looks tasty.

    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    Looks a good day on the water. We play a points game in the boat alot too. Kinda fun

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 965

    Great report Jesse Sounds like a fun outing and ‘local’ tournament. Nice fish too.

    PoCo, WI
    Posts: 26

    Come on fellas. Real Croix anglers eat Drum. Above the Taylor’s Falls dam its the law of the land to eat Drum. Get it together down there!

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Stop down at Lakefront Park next Tuesday night at 9:00. I’ll save my drum for you. You might want to presharpen your fillet knife.

    PS. Do you remove the rock from their skull before you eat them?

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