What landing is this?
That launch is referred to as Kings Landing. It is a private launch. Same with Beanies across the river. It is private. I have no problem with a private launch charging whatever price the market will support.
I do have a problem with a public launch fleecing the public to maximize its profits. I have no problem with Hudson trying to cover its cost of maintaining the ramp and docks, etc. They don’t charge anything to use the public beach, library, or city parks. Why do they feel the need to turn a profit on boaters?
The seasonal pass charge is more than double what other public launchs in the area are charging (North Hudson, Bayport, Cove/Troy, Prescott, LAX). Additionally, if there was adequate parking and high water didnt shut down the launch at the Hudson, I wouldn’t mind paying the 70.00 fee. Most likely, if you aren’t at the landing before 6:30 on a weekend, you are SOL.
Unfortunately, we tried working with the mayor and city council on lowering the proposed seasonal fees, but our efforts were not successful. I think the overwelming opinion on the city council is boaters can afford the 70 or 100 fee.