Brother Bait Shop in Stillwater For Sale!

  • ferny
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Yep it’s true, I stopped in Friday for some fatheads and Tim said they were burnt out on the bait shop business and they’re getting out. They have been here for 7 years already. I hope someone buy’s it to keep as a bait shop and we don’t get another coffee shop or something else out of the deal! It has been a prime location for bait for all these years and when it’s not open it’s a real pain in the butt getting bait around here.


    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    That’s not good. They’ll probably expand the greasy spoon over to the bait store. Someone should give Harry Stiles a call to see if he’d be interested in taking it back over?

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Bait shop for sale.
    I usually get my bait in Hudson at the Holiday.
    From talking to the store manager there it’s very profitable.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 397

    Yes, unfortunatly it is true. The store has actually been for sale since September, with a few buyers interested. If anyone can scrounge-up $80,000, you could be the proud owner of a fine bait store. Its really to bad that these little bait are going out of the market, hate to see them leave

    Posts: 64

    It is definitely unfortunate that they are no longer going to be in business. I can’t say that I didn’t see it coming though. Bait shop owners need to have a friendly and informative attitude. All of my visits there were short lived and rather tight lipped.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Grouse, welcome to the board!

    I echo your post. Only once when I did a lot of talking (and I can yap with the best of them) one fella actually talked with me. Otherwise it was…ask a question get a very short answer.

    As with any buisness now a days, people come back because they know the folks behind the counter are freindly. You can buy bait ect from any place…it’s the people that bring you back. Good point!

    Posts: 64

    Briank…I didn’t quite know the response I would get from my post, but it appears that I was not the only one that had poor experiences at Brothers Bait. I wasn’t interested in the life histories of the employees there, just maybe a little tip here and there.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I don’t think you and I were the only ones that had “I have aids” signs on our hats.

    It’s not that they gave bad service…you got what you paid for…

    You actually made me think about their store. I have two choices for the kind of bait I look for, Brothers or the gas station in Downtown Husdon.

    Pretty close to the same distance. I never think of going to Brothers even though there access and parking was better. It’s true the gas station has gas..Krispy Kreme and stuff. But normally..for me it’s bait and I’m out the door.

    I thinking back, all I would have needed is a reason besides I needed bait to go there.

    I can tell you that I’ve bought a couple things from a fellow on this web site and it he wouldn’t have been friendly in his responses or didn’t respond to questions….I would have been going to my Gander Mountain that’s 20 minutes away.

    Either way, I don’t like seeing independants going out of business. The days of people just walking in are over.

    Marine on St. Croix, MN
    Posts: 7

    As you can see by the number of posts I’ve made that I’ve been lurking here for a long time and rarely post.

    I cannot agree more strongly with Grouse. This is a feeling I’ve felt everytime I’ve been in Brothers and I felt that I too had to make my voice heard.

    I love the idea of having a bait shop in Stillwater since it’s close to many of my destinations. That said, when I moved out here 3 years ago I always stopped there, bought bait (even when planning on trolling stickbaits) and asked how the bite was going, what the ‘eyes were hitting on, how deep, what spots, etc. To me, this is a prime opportunity to develop a loyal customer. Sell me some bait, give me some info, sell me some tackle, ask me to try some new tackle and give feedback, ask how I’m doing, what worked for me, what I should try, etc. One time I even mentioned that I had recently purchased a Pinpoint GPS system and would like to chat about it since someone there was using Pinpoint too. That fell on deaf ears. All this seems incredibly logical to me and is what a bait shop is about. It’s not about selling bait. It’s about developing community and relationships. It’s really a two way street, I’ll let you know how I did and we can share information. But understand, I’m certainly not going to force you to chit-chat if I feel like I’m interrupting your television viewing. Funny, that’s how it felt more than once at Brothers.

    If new owners come in and want to make a successful showing here are my 3 suggestions.

    1. Every new customer is your first customer. Treat them like a trusted friend and you’ll be treated the same. A positive emotional experience from a store makes me evangelize to no end.

    2. A single item sale is a losing proposition. Suggesting a Snickers bar or extra water for the boat means you’re thinking about my experience after I leave the store. When I get bait, I’m in a hurry to get to the water and I’ve forgotten items more times than not. Suggesting some added goodies makes your average sale go up, even if by nickles. This counts.

    3. Repeat customers are your bread and butter. If I’m in on a regular basis, you might notice it and not say anything. Try mentioning it to me. It shows me that you’re in touch with me, not just my dollars. If you’ve got the memory (even if you don’t) you might ask where I’ve been fishing, how I did last time, etc. I like to buy some items in bulk and will be purchasing leeches shortly by the gallons. If you notice I never buy leeches from you, you might ask why. I’d tell you I buy them early and use them all season. You might suggest that I pre-order from you, getting my leeches (or whatever item) early and without hassle. This is what repeat customers want. Thoughtful service.

    I could go on. I’ll be sad if the shop goes away. If not, I can’t wait to meet new owners.


    Tom S
    Woodbury MN
    Posts: 150

    I also bought bait there a couple of times on my way to the Chisago Area. It was perfect grab some bait then have breakfast at the diner next door.

    After a couple of trips in there I determined the guy was a dink. Even complemented him on his Ranger and didn’t get a response. What normal fisherman doesn’t want to talk about their boat?

    Anyway I still slip in there for a good breakfast but buy the bait at Frankies.

    Posts: 64

    I really hate to see the negative posts continue to trickle in about Brothers Bait, but it seems that negative is all that came out of a trip to the place. It takes a special breed of person to be a bait shop owner. I believe that the owners of Brothers really tired quickly of people coming in and asking “where are they biting?”. When in reality, the question of “where are they biting” should ring a sound of cash registers working to the Brothers. This is not at all a personal vendetta against the Brothers, this is only my opinion as to how the Brothers may have stayed in business longer by treating their customers with the respect they deserved.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Good post Grouse.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973

    I’m with you guys. The last time I went there was the “last” time I went there. I hope someone friendly buys it and continues to sell bait. I’ll stop in again.

    I hate to lose a bait shop. There are too few around here as it is.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Man, You guy’s make it sound like I was the only one who got good service in there. I always seemed to get timely info, but I do ask specifics instead of an open ended questions and they never scimped on minnows. Could you imagine how hard it would be to stay in business on a scoop of fatty’s here and a box of crawlers there? It would bite, especially early spring and late fall. Did you guy’s ever try to get any info out of Stiles when he owned it? It just wouldn’t happen no matter how much I spent in there! I used to laugh about it when I pumped him for techniques, depths, hot bait and he would talk a lot without giving up a single bit of good info.

    I sure hope it stays a bait shop! It would bite for me to swing into Blue Ribbon or down to Beanies or Hudson to get bait and fish the Stillwater/Bayport area!



    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973

    I think bait shops should all band together and raise minnow prices dramaticaly. I mean for cripes sake a scoop of fathead is less than two dollars. Hel it’s nothing to loose several $5 lures trolling or casting for a day. In my opinion minnows could sell for a lot more. Especially crappie and fathead. Then bait shop owners could make some money. Now crawlers is another thing. They are just fine where they are.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I agree with the minnow price going up…but it was funny…I was thinking Raps should come down and worms should go up!

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 412

    Are they still open and selling minnows or do I need to buy bait somewhere else tomorrow?

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Hey SteveW, you’d be a good guy to add to the local color……… How ’bout you buy the bait shop and give yourself some minnows for free?

    J/K………. That’s a good question! Does anyone know how long they intend to stay open?

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 412

    My wife got caught up in the Best Buy lay-off a couple of weeks ago she needs something to do. I should buy it and have her run it. Selling stuff instead of buying stuff. . . what a concept!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Ummm…dream on….

    Posts: 34

    Are they still open? Thinking of going out on Friday and will need minnows/crawlers. Does the gas station in Bayport still sell bait?

    I sure hope it stays a bait shop. I was in there often enough that he probably recognized me. Not the world’s best service or info, but not bad either. It would be nice if someone would buy it and run it like Lundeen runs his place on Mille Lacs. At least weekly internet reports on the bite. I can’t believe more shops and resorts aren’t online w/ info, sales etc. Hell, I’ve even had Lundeen take me to the map on the wall point out some specific structure and say use this. We caught fish based on his advice and every time I go to that side of the lake I stop at his place for bait and tackle. I’m sure it’s a tough business, but the little details make all the difference. Bret

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    They are still open. At least they were when I drove past this morning.

    Forest Lake, MN
    Posts: 59

    I ran behind his building to take a leak and the guy came out and yelled at me. This is after I just got done shelling out $2.50 on fatheads! What’s up with that?

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 37

    For spending a whole $2.50 you should have been able to take a crap right on his counter.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 37

    Believe it or not Loogie, some people find it offensive.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 397


    Maybe you didn’t know it, but there is a bathroom next door at the Oasis Cafe. I’m sure they would have let you use it.

    It’s very hard to make money selling minnow for $2.50 Then you have individuals that [Ooops, did I just say that out loud?!] about the price of bait. Then they go out a pee on your store. How respectful is that

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    You’re lucky he just yelled at ya! He could have copied your license plate and had a citizen’s citation mailed to you! That would cost a little more than $2.50………….. I’m not one to really expect a lot out of people but is expecting someone to find and use a restroom unrealistic?

    Granted, we’re outdoorsmen and we all take a leak somewhere, sometime………… but I wouldn’t put the local bait shop on that list. Now, my hub caps on the other hand, are an entirely different matter!

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    I agree with a lot of things said about brothers bait.Me and a freind wanted to fish the hot water discharge in Jan. from shore and wanted info. on what to use we had already bought live bait from them and wanted info. on what else to use .We where ready to purchase a few baits they would suggest,we got the blank stare and headed out the door and never returned.That summer we started fishing a small lake in Ws. If we would have had a good exprience at the store we would have returned for the hunreds of dollars spent on live bait ice fishing over the years.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    My neighbor leaks out side all the time…It doesn’t bother me…but I can see it bothering some people….

    Just reread what I was going to post…I meant to say “my neighbors DOG”. Sorry guys.

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    Steve W. If you are really considereding this,the shop does have potential,and I am sure with the support of the anglers on this web site and word of mouth you could build this buisness into a nice shop in the future.The most important thing in fishing reatail is freindly, honest,service.

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