Looking to expand, SCVWL

  • Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    As of rite now I am curious as to how many people would like to fish the St.Croix Valley Walleye League in 2012 ?

    I am wondering if I should have 2 groups ? One that launchs out of Hudson and one that launches out of Prescott, of course both groups would fish on the same night on the St.Croix River only and it all would be considered one league thus payouts would be combined for the 2 groups, a North Group out of Hudson and a South Group out of Prescott.

    How many people would join if I moved forward with this ?

    Will it be worth the SCVWL’s time having a South group out of Prescott ?

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I will be interested in fishing this again in 2012. I am more interested in fishing it in the spring/early summer. I would be going out of Hudson. Thanks.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    I really, depending on other out-of-town events, hope I can at least make the minimum for season # 2. I would be joining, or should say, partaking in the Hudson, or North division.
    Be nice to see both North and South though. Would this change the max number of boats allowed each week under DNR regs?

    Posts: 2627

    OK, we are making headway!!! All you have to do now is start calling Pool 3 “St. Croix south” and I am in How about just giving me to the end of the no wake zone in Prescot? Everyone knows the St. Croix is where all the big fish are and Pool 3 is the dead sea so humor the old guy

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    I plan on fishing it again and would do the south group. But would a take off point at the bluffs landing vs. Prescott make more sense for the south group? What if the spelling C A T realy meant DOG??

    Posts: 630

    I would like to fish out of prescott, I have a boat, might need a co.

    Posts: 125

    Jesse I’m sure Gary and I would fish the league again next year, we had a good time. Unlike some of you lucky $^%*&% we already have a bit of a drive so instead of splitting the league I’d rather see it as 1 group but launching out of different areas week by week. Hudson, the Bluffs and Prescott come to mind and we could open pool 3 on some nights if it moved to this sort of format.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I like D-Trains idea! Different launch sites each week.

    And I like Bzzsaw’s idea of a league in May/June to boot.

    Whatever you come up with Jesse, we’ll be there. Great job last year getting this started.


    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    The league will be starting in late May or early June. I have a plan for having 2 different launch sites, I just need to get enough people from the South end on board with things. As far as multiple launch sites go I’m not sure I’m going to go with that. I have people driving 45 minutes plus from the North, I’d hate to add any more time to that drive. Just bear with me, it will all come together sweetly, like I said I have a good plan…..so far I’m not getting the feedback from the South end like I had hoped to but the post is still fresh. Nothing is set in stone

    Posts: 4062

    Jesse I would be interested in fishing it.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    I’m kinda split on the idea. I would like a separate league on the Croix from Prescott north and a league from Prescott south on different nights? I like fishing both and my opinion is that there is a difference in length and size of the fish from each. Regardless I would like to have a go at it again. It was lots of fun this past year and I still and probably will always need help dialing them in.

    Posts: 10

    Jesse I would like to fish with you guys this coming season. For myself the south league is where I would like to go, closer to home and with diesle being $4+/gal.


    Scott Ludwig

    Posts: 5

    Really looking forward to another session especially in the spring and would still like to be in the north launching from Hudson.

    Posts: 852

    I will be back again. Might think about launching out of prescott.

    Dale Rueber
    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 233

    Jesse, I would be interested in fishing again. Don’t really care where I launch from but Prescott is much closer for me.

    Dale Rueber

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    If I decide to move forward with this the option to launch either North or South will be open, you won’t be locked into one or the other. As far as there being bigger fish by Prescott on the Croix compared to Hudson, Mark and Jarret early season last year shoots that theory rite out the window.

    I’m liking the feedback, keep it coming (except for yours onestout)


    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    Move it to Lake Wisconsin and I would be all over it.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    If it’s open to Lake Wisconsin, then we need a catfish league!

    Sorry Jesse, John you go back to WI and I’ll go back to my corner.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403



    Don’t curse me with your scaleless fish slander

    Posts: 15

    Ric and I will be back next season regardless of the format. We would be launching out of Prescott though, if that is an option. I strongly believe that You would pick up at least 3-6 more boats a night if launching out of Prescott ends up being an option. Looking forward to next season!

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Mike e-mail me your phone #

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