I’m in and should be able to make the meeting on Sunday. I have a boat but am in need of a partner. The two I had lined up aren’t able to do week nights.

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IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Wisconsin Lake & Rivers » St. Croix River » St. Croix River Walleye League
I’m in and should be able to make the meeting on Sunday. I have a boat but am in need of a partner. The two I had lined up aren’t able to do week nights.
Anyone know how to get a hold of Randy West other than e-mail? For some reason the e-mails I send to him keep getting rejected and sent back to me. Randy please PM me here or we’ll see you at the pre-league meeting tomorrow night
Hi Jesse,
Thanks for the continued effort on getting emails thru to me. Sent you a PM!
See you tonight!
Randy West
Jesse: I’m hoping to fish this week but now don’t have a boat. I’m also out for the meeting Sunday night as I have a basketball meeting at the same time.
It’s too bad you won’t be able to make it Eric, I know there are a few guys out there looking for subs or someone to fish a night with.
Thanks to all that were able to show up tonight. As for the rest of you we have a special way of taking pictures of the fish. I was going to show you BUT I accidentally deleted the pictures before I could save them. Please see me Tuesday night prior to fishing.
For those of you who didn’t make the meeting :
IF the Lakefront Park Launch is closed WE WILL BE LAUNCHING AT THE LAUNCH OF CHOICE HOWEVER WE WILL STILL BE MEETING AND LEAVING FROM LAKEFRONT PARK AT 6PM. I will have the web-site updated tomorrow night. Please contact me via PM, e-mail or by phone if you will be late BEFORE 6 PM !!!!!
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you Tuesday
Look for St.Croix Valley Walleye League and like us on Facebook. I will also be keeping the facebook page up to date and adding a tip of the day on facebook as well.
What happened to the Musky contest that was supposed to be in Hudson again this year? Or was 2009 just part of a rotation?
If you didnt see SteveO’s post the Lakefront Park Launch IS OPEN see you there tomorrow. Take of is at 6pm. Don’t forget your SD card and camera.
Rules have been updated, if you are fishing the league tomorrow night I highly recommend you read them and also take Tony and my phone #’s with you. If there is any confusion or if you are going to be late please call one of us and we will get things taken care of a.s.a.p.
Went by at 6PM and it looked like memorial day weekend. Good luck boys. If you catch any of my beloved bronze backs be nice to them!
P.S. the fish are biting. Here’s the 23″ that was shown in the demo pic at last nights meeting.
If anyone is on the fence about fishing, I’m in need of a partner and with my trailer down, I’m in need of a partner with a boat.
If you’re interested and would like to give it a whirl, let me know. I’ve been out enough this year to be dangerous and with my boat down, I’m willing to pick up the fees and bait for the boat.
Welcome to IDO arcticm1000 hope you make it for some league fishing
Thanks for the offer and Welcome to IDO. I hope you post here often. My other deal is going to work out.
If you can find someone else to fish with, I’ll point you to some common spots and tell you what I know. I’m hoping this league is all about the comraderie, increasing everyone’s knowledge of the river, and having some good competition to boot.
If not today, then stop by next week.
Just follow Jesse and Michael around. Heck, you get to throw out two weeks anyway!!
Pudge’s afterwards? Need to establish the league watering hole!
Thanks for the offer and Welcome to IDO. I hope you post here often. My other deal is going to work out.
If you can find someone else to fish with, I’ll point you to some common spots and tell you what I know. I’m hoping this league is all about the comraderie, increasing everyone’s knowledge of the river, and having some good competition to boot.
If not today, then stop by next week.
Thanks guys,
My plan was to just mess around pulling some cranks tonight. Good luck to everyone.
Pudge’s afterwards? Need to establish the league watering hole!
I was thinking of talking to them about a sponsorship however I was leaning towards the Village Inn BUT I think Pudges would work better, parking for rigs is a plus for finding a after league watering hole….not sure but I’ll be contacting them…..I’m friends with the Village Inn owner so that kinda helps when it comes to sponsors
Pudge’s outdoor patio should be able to keep our eyes on the boats so nothing happens to them!!
See you guys tonight!
Some official results are in, remember if the fish touches the line it is rounded up to the next .25 of an inch. Starting with 1st place :
A round of to Mark Johnson & Jarret Buxell with an official 54.25″ and the best math out of the 10 boats
to take 1st and the inches lead for the season. Congrats guys
1st fish is 23.25
2nd fish is 14.75
3rd fish is 16.25
1st losers…..er ah I mean 2nd place goes to Mr. Michael Hutter and Jesse Krook bringing an even 50″ to the ruler. Congrats Michael and myself.
1st fish is 19.25
2nd fish is 14.00
3rd fish is 16.75
Darren Eisenzimmer and Gary Boldt take 3rd place with a CPR’d 47.00″ inches of sauger and walleye. Congrats you 2
1st fish 15.75
2nd fish 15.50
3rd fish 15.75
Big Fish goes to Mike Schommer and Ric Kees bringing a blurry but confirmed 24.25″ walleye to the boat. Congrats Mike and Ric
1st pic big fish
2nd pic I zoomed in from the 1st pic to confirm the #’s.
I will post the standings in a bit and update the website.
The website is going to undergo some serious construction here in the next few days so if you dont see your photo’s posted don’t sweat it they will be up by next Tuesday at the latest. Bear with me we are only making it better
Thanks guys
I will post all the pictures on facebook at St.Croix Valley Walleye League on facebook. The pictures are very clear and you can see them very well on facebook.
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