Creek Chubs

  • ?????
    Posts: 299

    Be careful as trap size is listed by the DNR and be sure to mark them as well or the CO will remove them.

    Traps may not exceed a width and length of 30 inches, height may not exceed 15 inches,
    the diameter or width of the opening may not exceed 1-1/2 inches, and mesh size may not
    exceed 1/2-inch bar measure. Traps must have a waterproof tag bearing the name and
    address of the owner.

    Fargo, ND
    Posts: 91

    I feel pretty comfortable with my trap and bait but just haven’t had any luck in finding a decent spot! A lot of trial and error.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I have one river spot I wade and take two poles. Small one to catch chub and large one to fish it. I catch a chub in the shallow riffles then throw it to the run below. ABSOLUTE AUTOMATIC hits. They cant pass it up.

    Fargo, ND
    Posts: 91

    Found the creek chub gold mine last night! Scouted different spots by just fishing for them before putting out traps first. Caught about 20 and put two traps out in the creek, plan on checking them later this afternoon.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Busse, around here in Iowa all you have to do is get in your auto and drive the country roads. When you cross a creek stop and Look to see if theres a small hole below the bridge. If there is a number 12 to 16 trout hook with a wax worm will do. If theres not any chubs in that hole go to the next bridge and eventually you’ll run into a bunch. It doesn’t take much water to hold chubs, many times I’ve seen them in water a foot and a half deep and in there by the dozens. I hope you have a decent population of them where your at. Here in town their 50 cents a piece and about 4 too 5″ long.

    Posts: 1

    That’s really cool you caught creek chubs. Did you have to get away from Fargo quite a ways? I thought I’d try it sometime. Was gonna try the Maple River to start? Idk?

    Posts: 1811

    Gold hook long shank,split shot ,
    and a small piece of bacon fat . Keep your good chub spots under your hat. Oh and push the bacon up towards the eye of the hook,chub usually won’t be hooked deep.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    I will gladly trade a handful of creek chubs for a scoop of minnows. Been trying my creek for 5 plus years and all I get is creek chubs.

    Posts: 35

    Whats the going rate for creek chubs if the bait shops have them? thinking about going to trap or catch them this weekend below my house, but this rain is probably going to make that impossible. Can a guy sell a few at a time out ouf your garage or is that against the law without a bait lic.?

    Posts: 168

    If you plan on keeping creek chubs overnight or longer. The container needs to be covered. These guys like to jump when in captivity. Knew of a bait shop that decided to seine and sell chubs for the local northern pike and catfish anglers.

    I happened to be his first customer the morning after their initial seining adventure. The floor was littered with what would have been beautiful bait.

    He didn’t have a dozen left in the tank. That afternoon he designed a cover of wire mesh that covered the six foot tank’s top. After that he always had them for sale. He was getting .75 each or 8$ a dozen. He sold them until the day he closed.

    Claimed they brought customers to his shop. That otherwise would have never left their normal baitshops. He always closed during ice season so can’t comment on use or sale during then.

    Craig Hauglie
    Posts: 1

    Can you buy creek chubs in Fargo grand forks or Devils lake?

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