One of the best things about credit cards is how much more protection you get as a consumer. It is much easier to dispute a charge on a credit card. Also, chargebacks give the consumer another way to dispute charges when a company is doing something shady although this can be abused by shady customers.
I like to see where every dollar of mine goes which is much more difficult if you pay for things in cash.
Dang cashiers these days look at you wide eyed if you try and pay in cash. Seems like they’ve never had to count change before. I also think its annoying when you’re standing in a super long line at a busy retail location and you get the one guy trying to pay in exact change. C’mon man!
Credit cards make life a heck of a lot easier and I’m all about simplifying my life. Are you cash guys still paying your bills every month via sending in a check thru the mail? Man that sounds like a lot of extra work not to mention the time I’d waste doing that and the cost of stamps. Not to mention the status of the USPS and how much mail gets lost. About every other year I send a card to a niece/nephew with a check that somehow doesn’t make its way to the recipient. Now some shady guy has your bank account number and routing number from the check in the envelope.
Also, I very rarely see places that give you a cash discount. Seems to be limited to the mom and pop type places or smaller businesses. I can’t think of anywhere I frequently spend money that gives a cash discount. Only place I can think of is a dive bar in a rural area