
  • Brewer
    Posts: 65

    I just got back from a fishing trip. We ended up using way more leeches than usual (great bobber bite!), and as a result, I have a lot of left over crawlers. I bought a flat and probably used 6-7 dozen. I live in Mound. They are free for anyone who wants to pick them up.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1434

    Wow great offer for someone is there no one that can need crawlers that live in by mound??

    Scott Olson
    Posts: 2

    Great offer, I can pick them up on Sunday if they’re still available?

    Posts: 12

    Sounds good Scott. I just sent you a message.

    Posts: 584

    lol. Brewer, you probably should check your messages. I sent one on the 23rd interested. Figured they were already spoken for since you didn’t respond.
    No big deal.

    Posts: 65

    Sorry 10klakes and the others that messaged me! I somehow have two accounts on here, and I was logged into the wrong account on my phone. So I didn’t see the messages until now.

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