Hello everyone. I am still pretty green. When trying to determine what lake and where to fish for crappie, what are the general patterns based on time of the ice season you will see for crappie? I am very familiar with mid season for the slabs to be in the deep holes. But for earlier ice is there a depth or a general rule of thumb to find them? And what about late ice? Does anyone know of any good videos that talk about the patterns of crappie? I would love an IDO episode that just showed them planning what lake and why. What spots and why. I love watching them catch fish but I wish I could catch more independently without relying on my friends and family to put me on them. I am honestly overwhelmed to go out by myself because I really have no idea what lake to try. And even when I pick a lake I have no idea if it is depth or structure that I should be looking for. Any advice would be great. Thanks everyone!
Jamie Strowbridge
Posts: 3