Crappie ice rod suggestions?

  • Mark Wilson
    Posts: 54

    I’m looking for a pair of rods to fish a couple of my heavier got to lures:
    1) W2 1/8oz Jigging Rap
    2) 1/10-1/7oz jigging spoons (Swedish Pimple/Frostee/Demon)

    These are the only lures/sizes that will be used on these rods. I’m looking for total control (don’t want the rod to be too light), but I also don’t want the lures to get “lost” while jigging with a heavier action rod. Just from the rod specs, the TB Perch Sweetheart seems like the best fit for both. However, I’m leaning towards getting a TB Panfish Sweetheart for the jigging spoons.
    Any suggestions or real world experience would be greatly appreciated.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    I use w2 sized jigging raps frequently with a panfish sweetheart. I think it’s the perfect rod for that lure.

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643

    Panfish sweetheart I consider a “Light” powered rod. I have used up to 1/8 oz spoons with no problem. It really doesn’t get that mushy feeling when you put too much weight on it.

    The Perch sweetheart I use for lures up to 1/4 oz. I use it for my 1/8 oz spoons crappie fishing but its my go to Walleye rod especially when I’m using flutter spoons.

    Posts: 191

    I’ve got the Panfish sweetheart, and although I think that you can fish with 1/8 oz spoons, I think the 1/16 oz spoons perform better compared to an 1/8 oz on that rod. Just a personal opinion, but again, it’s not hard to fish an 1/8 oz with the panfish if you wanted. Hope this is a little helpful.

    Mark Wilson
    Posts: 54

    Thanks everyone! You saved me some disappointment.
    It sounds like the Panfish Sweetheart might be best suited for both lures. I will probably get one, and try with both lures before getting the second.
    Thanks again!

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    The panfish sweetheart can handle 1/8 oz spoons but it’s better with 1/16 oz. Jigging raps actually perform better being loaded on a rod to slow the lift a bit. So the panfish sweetheart would be the ideal candidate. The only time I would prefer the perch sweetheart is that I’m getting into bigger panfish likely 12″+

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